Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Herr Dr. Ahmad AL Ajlan

Bild der Person Herr Dr.  Ahmad AL Ajlan - Öffnet das Bild in voller Größe auf einer neuen Seite


1. Fakultät für Soziologie / Personen / Wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen in Forschungsprojekten

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im DFG-Projekt ″Wichtige Lebensereignisse und Akkulturation von Flüchtlingen: Eine Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Scheidung und Erwerbstätigkeit als wichtige Lebensereignisse auf Akkulturationsverläufe syrischer Flüchtlinge in Deutschland und Italien″

+49 521 106-4701  
Telefon Sekretariat
+49 521 106-4639 Sekretariat zeigen
Gebäude X C4-237 Lage-/Raumplan
Nr. 343 im Gebäude X - Magistrale - Ebene C2

2. Fakultät für Soziologie / Arbeitsbereiche / Arbeitsbereich 6 - Soziologie der Transnationalisierung und Sozialanthropologie

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im DFG-Projekt ″Wichtige Lebensereignisse und Akkulturation von Flüchtlingen: Eine Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Scheidung und Erwerbstätigkeit als wichtige Lebensereignisse auf Akkulturationsverläufe syrischer Flüchtlinge in Deutschland und Italien″

3. Fakultät für Soziologie / Arbeitsbereiche / Arbeitsbereich 6 - Soziologie der Transnationalisierung und Sozialanthropologie / AG Missbach

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im DFG-Projekt ″Wichtige Lebensereignisse und Akkulturation von Flüchtlingen: Eine Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Scheidung und Erwerbstätigkeit als wichtige Lebensereignisse auf Akkulturationsverläufe syrischer Flüchtlinge in Deutschland und Italien″

Curriculum Vitae

2007-2010: Ph.D. at Damascus University, Syria
2003-2007: Master in Sociology at Damascus University, Syria
2001-2003: Postgraduate Diploma in Sociology at Damascus University, Syria
1996-2001: Studies of Sociology at Aleppo University, Syria

Work Experience
01-09-2018 – present: Researcher in the project “Exploring Conflicts among Unaccompanied Young Male Refugees in Germany: A Comparative Analysis in Different Accommodation Settings”, funded by VolkswagenStiftung.
15-01-2017 – 01-09-2017: Participation in the project: “The violence-related norms, attitudes, and beliefs of young men in high-risk urban neighborhoods”.
01-09-2014: Lifetime appointment in Al-Furat University (Syria), as Lecturer in Political Sociology.
10-01-2014: Lecturer at Damascus University - College of Education – Faculty of Education.
2004-2014: Social Counselor in Damascus Directorate of Education.

Fellowships and Consultancies
- From 2013 to 2016: Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Middle East Studies in Canada.
- From 2014 to 2016, I participated as an international expert from Syria in a global project (variety of democracy) Gothenburg University, Sweden.

Teaching Experience
2021/2022: MA course- Migration Regimes and Social Conflict, Osnabrück University, Germany.
2020/21: BA course - The Process of Forced Migration: Conflict in the Origin Countries and Struggle of Integration in the Destination Countries, Bielefeld University, Germany
2020: BA course - Forced Migrants in Europe: Causes of Fleeing and Challenges of Integration?, Bielefeld University, Germany
2019/20: MA course - Refugee movements to Europe: Reasons and challenges, Bielefeld University, Germany
2019: BA course - Analysing Global Order, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany
2014: Research methods in the social sciences, Damascus University, Syria

Lectures and Conference Participations
- “Exploring conflicts among unaccompanied young male refugees in Germany”, DEZIM Institute, December 2020 digital presentation
- “Conflict among young adult refugees in collective accommodations”, 3rd Conference of the German Network of Refugee Researchers, September 2020 digital conference
- “Older Refugees in Germany: What Are the Reasons for the Difficulties in Language-learning?”, 17th IMISCOE Annual Conference on “Crossing borders, connecting cultures”, July 2020 digital conference
- “Academic career planning”, Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe Final Conference “Policy Advice for the Integration of Refugee Researchers in Danger into the EU Job Market, February 2020 in Athens, Greece.
- “Syrians in Germany: individuals’ reasons for returning or remaining“ (poster presentation), Meeting of the Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network (GAIN), November 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland
- “Applying The Symbolic Interaction Theory To The Case Of Older Refugees’ Language Learning
Difficulties In Germany“, 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association, August 2019 in Manchester, UK.
- “Structural Problems and Conflicts in the Arab States and the Resulting Refugee Movement”, Research Colloquium of the Graduate School on Refugee Health, April 2019 in Bielefeld, Germany.
- “Aspects of Integration of Adult Refugees in Germany“,Conference of the project Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe, December 2018, Bielefeld, Germany.
- “Junge Männer aus Syrien und Ihre Weltbilder-Herausforderungen für Deutsche Schulen“, Public lecture at The Institut für Pädagogik und Schulpsychologie, December 2018 in Nürnberg, Germany.
- “The Social integration in Thawra City – Syria”, 17th Forum for Arab young Sociologists, September 2007 in Tunis, Tunisia

Reviewing experience
- Reviewer for the journal “International Migration”
- Reviewer for the journal “Bilingualism: Language and Cognition”, Cambridge University.
- Reviewer for Taylor & Francis group
- Reviewer for Genealogy
- Reviewer for SAR (Scholar at Risk)

- Al Ajlan, A. How academia should support scholars fleeing war and persecution. Nat Hum Behav 6, 1188–1190 (2022).
-Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 2021 Divorce and Domestic Violence Among Syrian Refugees in Germany, Journal of interpersonal violence, doi 0886260520985488.
- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 2020 The asylum procedure in Germany: desperation and uncertainty as risk factors for violence among young adult asylum seekers in collective accommodations. Journal of interpersonal violence, doi 0886260520957976.
- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 2019 Syrians in Germany: individuals’ reasons for returning or remaining, Forced Migration Review, Oxford University. 62
- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 2019 Older Refugees in Germany: What Are the Reasons for the Difficulties in Language-learning?. Journal of Refugee Studies.
- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 2018 Quarrels between Young Refugees and Young Germans in Bautzen. How Has it Turned into Bad Treatment against Refugees and What Are the Effects?. Journal of Identity and Migration Studies 12(2): 111-132.
- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 2018 Syrian economies: a temporary boom? Forced Migration Review, Oxford University. (58): 29.
- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 2010 Ibn Khaldun: founder of a new social science. Arabian Heritage Magazine, Damascus.
- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 2010 The State theory of Montesquieu. Eden University Magazine - the Republic of Yemen.
- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 2009 The Structural Problems of the Arabic States and the shock of the globalization. Damascus University Magazine.
- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 2009 Political Utilization of the Natural Environment effect on societies between Ibn Khaldun and Montesquieu, Rislan Publication House, Damascus.
- Al Ajlan, Ahmad. 2009 The theory of the state by Ibn Khaldun. Damascus University Magazine.

Aktuelle Forschungsthemen

Conflicts among Young Refugees, Integration-Disintegration of Refugees, Social Theory, Globalization and the Arabic States