Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Herr Dr. Roland Kern

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Curriculum Vitae

Academic Appointments
Since 1996Member of the research staff of the Department of Neurobiology, Bielefeld University
1995Visiting Fellow at the Research School of Biological Sciences, Vision Group, Canberra, Australia, financed by a Post-Doc grant from the DAAD (Germany); Work on "Edge detection in honeybees" in cooperation with Prof. M.V. Srinivasan and Prof. Dr. M. Egelhaaf
University Studies
1992 – 1994Doctoral Thesis “Mechanisms underlying visual position stabilization in the hovering hawk moth, Macroglossum stellatarum L.” in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Varjú, Department of Biocybernetics, University of Tübingen (Germany)
1991Diploma-Thesis, "Topographically organized rotation detectors in the rock crab, Pachygrapsus marmoratus" in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Varjú, Department of Biocybernetics, University of Tübingen (Germany)
1984 – 1990Undergraduate Studies in Biology at the University of Tübingen (Germany)
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