Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Frau Maria Gabriela Trompetero Vicent

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1. Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology / Doctoral researchers

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2. Fakultät für Soziologie / Arbeitsbereiche / Arbeitsbereich 6 - Soziologie der Transnationalisierung und Sozialanthropologie / AG Faist

Lehrauftrag im Arbeitsbereich 6 - Soziologie der Transnationalisierung und Sozialanthropologie (AG Faist)

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Curriculum Vitae

Doctoral Candidate in Sociology and Lecturer
Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology
M.A. InterAmerican Studies
Bielefeld University

Research topics: Forced migration, migration governance, social transformation and migration, categorization processes of people on the move, forced migration in Latin America, refugee regimes, localization, migration and refugee policies.

Work Experience

• April 2023-Present
Lecturer at the Chair of Transnationalism, Migration and Development, Faculty of Sociology - University of Bielefeld, Germany

• August 2024-Present
Research project coordinator: “Linkage to the National Pension System of the Migrant and Refugee Population in Peru in the Pension Normalization Office” - Equilibrium SDC & the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).

• February 2023-May 2023
FFVT (Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer) Visiting Fellow - German Institute for Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Bonn, Germany.

• November 2022-July 2023
Research Project Coordinator: “Mapping of Refugee and Forced Migrant-led Organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean” - Equilibrium SDC & United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

• May 2020-October 2020
Research Assistant- Migration Policy Institute (MPI), Washington, D.C.

• October 2017- March 2019
Research Assistant, Faculty of Sociology- University of Bielefeld, Germany.

Selected publications

• Gissi, N., Ospina, M. del P., Trompetero, M., Flórez, A. and Bravo, A. (2024). “Gobernanza multilateral en las Américas a partir de la migración forzada venezolana: rupturas y continuidades” [ Multilateral governance in the Americas based on Venezuelan forced migration: ruptures and continuities]. Revista Brasileña de Ciencias Sociales (RBCS), Asociación Nacional de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación en Ciencias Sociales (ANPOCS), Sao Paulo, Brasil.

• Trompetero, María and Forero, Nelson. (2022). “Con incertidumbre hacia la selva del Darién: El rol de los medios digitales en la migración forzosa venezolana” [ With Uncertainty towards the Darién Jungle: The Role of Digital Media in Venezuelan Forced Migration]. Akademos, Universidad Central de Venezuela.

• Trompetero, María. (2022). “Situando al Estatuto Temporal de Protección para Migrantes de Venezuela en Colombia desde una perspectiva global” [Situating the Temporary Protection Status for Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia from a Global Perspective]. Aldea Mundo, revista sobre fronteras e integración, 54 (27), 72-86.

• Trompetero, María. (2022). “The Colombian Temporary Protection Status for Migrants from Venezuela: Novelty and room for improvement.” Routed Magazine.

• Trompetero, María. (2022). “Barreras para la identidad,” [Barriers to Identity Documents] SIC, 84 (838), 92-94.

• Trompetero, María. (2021). “Transitions in the Colombian Migration Regime amidst the Venezuelan Migration Crisis.” In Social and Political Transitions During the Left Turn in Latin America, edited by Karen Silva-Torres, Carolina Rozo-Higuera, Daniel S. Leon. England and Wales: Routledge.

• Aksakal, Mustafa and Trompetero, María. (2021). “¿De lo global a lo local? El rol del Pacto Mundial en las políticas colombianas hacia la migración venezolana”. [From the global to the local? The role of Global Compact in Colombian Policies towards Venezuelan Migration] In (Re)pensando el vínculo entre migración y crisis. Perspectivas desde América Latina y Europa, edited by Nejemkis, Lucila; Conti, Luisa; Aksakal, Mustafa. (Calas and CLACSO)

• Trompetero, María. (2021). “From Home to Immigrants to an Unprecedented Exodus: The Link Between the Critical Shift of Venezuelan Migration Patterns and Social Transformation.” Memoirs: First and Second International Congress of InterAmerican Students).

• Trompetero, María. (2021). “Venezolanos refugiados en Alemania: algunos retos para su integración” [Venezuelan Refugees in Germany: Some Challenges for their Integration], Multijurídica, 1 (12), 40-42.

• Trompetero, María, in cooperation with the Migrants’ led organization in Germany „Einheit für Venezuela“ (2020). „Bericht über Flüchtlings- und Asylsituation der Venezolaner in Deutschland.“

• Trompetero, María. (2019). “Tensions, Challenges and (Trans)-Formations of a Migration Regime: An Analysis of the New Venezuelan Migration Phenomenon in Colombia.” (COMCAD Working Papers Series).


• Affiliated researcher at the "IDRC (International Development Research Centre of Canada) Chair on Migrations and Forced Displacements" at Universidad del Pacífico., Perú.

• Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

• Bitácora Migratoria. (Universidad del Rosario, Observatory of Venezuela, Bogota, Colombia).

• Center on Migration, Citizenship, and Development (COMCAD), University of Bielefeld, Germany.

Knowledge transfer

• Columnist. La Silla Llena (Colombia).

• Contributions to The Inquiry (BBC), Deutsche Welle, El Estimulo, Efecto Cocuyo, RCR, VPITv, among others.