Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Frau Dr. Jelena Brankovic


Curriculum Vitae

2016 -
Postdoctoral Researcher in Sociological Theory and General Sociology
Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University, Germany

2013 - 2018
Doctoral Student / Research Assistant
Department of Sociology, Ghent University, Belgium

2010 - 2013
Centre for Education Policy, Serbia

2008 - 2010
Master in Higher Education
University of Oslo (Norway), University of Tampere (Finland), University of Aveiro (Portugal)

2007 - 2008
National Coordinator for the EU TEMPUS Programme in Serbia
National TEMPUS Office Serbia

2001 - 2006
Diploma in English Language and Literature (M.A. equivalent)
Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade

Aktuelle Forschungsthemen

Rankings (mit Tobias Werron und Leopold Ringel)
Internationale Rankings haben in den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten enorm an Zahl und Prominenz hinzugewonnen. In unserer Forschung zu diesem Thema untersuchen wir diese „globale Rankingkultur“ aus einer soziologischen Perspektive, die Einsichten aus verschiedenen Forschungstraditionen - insbesondere aus der Soziologie der Konkurrenz, der Hochschul-/Wissenschaftsforschung sowie der Globalisierungs-/Weltgesellschaftsforschung - miteinander ins Gespräch bringt. Unser empirisches Interesse richtet sich vor allem auf zwei Felder, in denen Rankings eine zunehmend prominente Rolle spielen: Politik/Staaten sowie Wissenschaft/Hochschulen.

Rankings (together with Tobias Werron and Leopold Ringel)
Rankings have grown enormously in both number and visibility in recent years. In a series of projects, we investigate this “global ranking culture” in a historical-sociological perspective. As opposed to most of the literature, our research perspective is comparative in both systematic and historical regards. Rather than focusing on one particular field and the last few decades, we compare the role of rankings in different fields and study the long-term career of rankings in modernity. For this purpose, we combine insights and methods from different research traditions, particularly the sociology of competition, globalization research and organization studies.