Personen- und Einrichtungssuche


BiSEd Bielefeld School of Education / Fachschaft Sachunterricht

Fakultät für Biologie / Fachschaft

Fakultät für Chemie / Fachschaft (Bio)Chemie

Faculty of Educational Science / Fachschaften

Faculty of Educational Science / Fachschaften / Fachschaft Erziehungswissenschaft KF

Faculty of Educational Science / Fachschaften / Fachschaft Lehramt

Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History / Fachschaft Geschichte

Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History / Studentbody World Studies

Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of Philosophy / Fachschaft Philosophie

Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of Theology / Fachschaft Theologie

Vertretung von Interessen der Student*nnen der Abteilung Theologie nach innen und außen, Organisation von gemeinschaftlichen Veranstaltungen.

School of Public Health / Fachschaft Gesundheitswissenschaften

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Student Councils / umbrella student association (lili)

genannt: Fachschaft LiLi

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Student Councils / Fachschaft: Anglistik

The Fachschaft is your crowd to turn to when you have questions about your studies, need someone to talk to or just want to hang out. In our Fachschaft meetings we co-/organize events like the How to English week, throw Christmas parties and discuss matters related to our department. We are also your student representation in the faculty, e.g., we are part of committees that take part in financial and organizational decisions, and we mediate between students and lecturers if any problems arise.

Brockmeier, Kim Laura
Chodor, Vanessa
Dührkoop, Leonie

The Fachschaft is your crowd to turn to when you have questions about your studies, need someone to talk to or just want to hang out. In our Fachschaft meetings we co-/organize events like the How to English week, throw Christmas parties and discuss matters related to our department. We are

also your student representation in the faculty, e.g., we are part of committees that take part in financial and organizational decisions, and we mediate between students and lecturers if any problems arise.

Our meetings are on Mondays at 12 pm.

Holmes, Amber
Jodeit, Tabea
Köhler, Hanna
Langer, Erik
Liu, Celine
Morgenroth, Maximilian
Rosenfeld, Lena
Schreiber, Finn
Schröder, Jana
Schulte, Torben
Stuhr, Benjamin

The Fachschaft is your crowd to turn to when you have questions about your studies, need someone to talk to or just want to hang out. In our Fachschaft meetings we co-/organize events like the How to English week, throw Christmas parties and discuss matters related to our department. We are

also your student representation in the faculty, e.g., we are part of committees that take part in financial and organizational decisions, and we mediate between students and lecturers if any problems arise.

Our meetings are on Mondays at 12 pm.

Törkott, Sonja

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Student Councils / Fachschaft Computerlinguistik

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Student Councils / Fachschaft: DaF

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Student Councils / Fachschaft: InterAmerikanische Studien

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Student Councils / student association: clinical linguistics

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Student Councils / student association

Fachschaft für die Abteilung Kunst und Musik

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Student Councils / student association for LATIN

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Student Councils / Fachschaft: Linguistik

(im Aufbau)

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Student Councils / student association: literary studies

Brockhaus, Sara
Bruns, Annika

Fachschaftsmitglied in der Fachschaft Literaturwissenschaft

Chodor, Vanessa
Getz, Viktoria
Gregor, Johanna


Gruschka, Joanna Alicja

Organisation der Einführungstage der Fakultät
für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft

Kraak, Victoria Cecilia Heike
Manitta, Luca

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Student Councils / Fachschaft: Medienwissenschaft

Brings, Merle

Mitglied der Fachschaft Medienwissenschaft

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Student Councils / Fachschaft: Romanistik

Faculty of Mathematics / Fachschaft Mathematik

Haksal, Erdem
Mönter, Carolin
Schäfer, Niklas

Studentische Studienberatung

Faculty of Mathematics / Fachschaft Wirtschaftsmathematik

Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science / Department of Psychology / Fachschaft Psychologie

Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science / Department of Sports Science / Fachschaft Sportwissenschaft

Faculty of Law / Fachschaft

Faculty of Sociology / Departmental Student Representative Committee

Faculty of Sociology / Departmental Student Representative Committee / Student Representative Committee at the Department for Gender Studies

Faculty of Sociology / Departmental Student Representative Committee / Student Representative Committee at the Department for Social / Political Science

Öffentliche Fachschaftssitzungen: Mi 18 Uhr
Jede/r ist herzlich willkommen.

Faculty of Business Administration and Economics / Fachschaft / Fachschaft DaSt

Fachschaft Data Science und Statistische Wissenschaften

Faculty of Business Administration and Economics / Fachschaft / Departmental Student Representative Committee of Business Administration

Medical School OWL / Fachschaft Medizin

Kock, Justin

Co-Sprecher der Fachschaft

Moser, Franziska

Co-Sprecherin der Fachschaft

Toulon, Merle

Faculty of Technology / Fachschaft


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