Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology

UHG K4-117 Lage-/Raumplan
postalische Anschrift
Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology
Universität Bielefeld
Postfach 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld


Ackermann-Koenigs, Mathilde

Doctoral researchers

Akin-Aina, Oluwasinmisade

Doctoral researchers

Executive Board

Al-Bayaa, Nadine

Doctoral researchers

Albornoz, Lorena

Doctoral researchers

Ali, Aamir

Doctoral researchers

Alkass, Assia

Doctoral researchers

Ayaß, Ruth, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Bartelt, Iris

Doctoral researchers

Barth, Johannes

Doctoral researchers

Bassenhoff, Lisa

Doctoral researchers

Becker, Marthe

Doctoral researchers

Beckers, Hannes C.

Doctoral researchers

Behrensmeier, Jasmin

Doctoral researchers

Bendler, Jasper

Doctoral researchers

Beyer, Marcel

Doctoral researchers

Bitterer, Felix

Doctoral researchers

Bock, Indra

Doctoral researchers

Boedler, Merle

Doctoral researchers

Bohé, Jacob

Doctoral researchers

Bolender, Kristina

Doctoral researchers

Bonerz, Melina

Doctoral researchers

Bonfert, Lisa

Doctoral researchers

Buderath, Markus

Doctoral researchers

Buitrago Valencia, Clara, Dr.


Koordinatorin für Internationalisierung

Executive Board

Bunte, Ole

Doctoral researchers

Cimbal, Priska

Doctoral researchers

Das, Rajasi

Doctoral researchers

Desiderio Alfiler, Cherie Audrey

Doctoral researchers

Dostert, Britta, Dipl.-Kulturwiss.

Doctoral researchers

Dostovalova, Olga

Doctoral researchers

Ebeling, Kristina

Associate doctoral researchers

Erdogan Cengiz, Cansu

Doctoral researchers

Espinoza Rizo, Alvaro Augusto

Doctoral researchers

Esposito, Elena, Prof. Dr.

Associate lecturer

Färber-Vogt, Eva Kristin

Doctoral researchers

Falkenhain, Kai-Sören

Doctoral researchers

Fasold, Stephan

Doctoral researchers

Fast, Luise, MA

Doctoral researchers

Feldmann, Jonas

Doctoral researchers

Felipe Mathis, Mariza

Doctoral researchers

Ferrer Pizarro, Raisa

Doctoral researchers

Flüchter, Antje, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Flügel-Martinsen, Oliver, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Fontenele, Lincoln Simoes

Doctoral researchers

Gärtner, Julian

Associate doctoral researchers

García Chapinal, Itxaso

Doctoral researchers

Garcia Veiga, Josué

Doctoral researchers

Gencal, Kübra

Doctoral researchers

Gigl, Sophie

Doctoral researchers

Goebel, Katharina

Doctoral researchers

Gökbudak, Mahir

Doctoral researchers

Goerigk, Paul

Doctoral researchers

Götzelmann, Michael

Doctoral researchers

Gomes, Mariana

Doctoral researchers

Gorewoda, Jannik

Doctoral researchers

Grabo, Kirby

Doctoral researchers

Groß, Simon Friedrich
Grüner, Frank, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Gumbert, Felix

Doctoral researchers

Gumpert, Lena

Doctoral researchers

Gutierrez, Angela

Doctoral researchers

Habelitz, Nora

Doctoral researchers

Halcour, Sophie

Doctoral researchers

Hartog, Francois, Prof. Dr.

Associate lecturer

Haupt, Stefanie

Doctoral researchers

Hecke, Simon

Doctoral researchers

Heckens, Benedikt

Doctoral researchers

Held, Clara Camille

Doctoral researchers

Henkel, Anja

Doctoral researchers

Herkströter, Christoph

Doctoral researchers

Hochkirchen, Britta, Dr.

Executive Board

Höter, Richard

Doctoral researchers

Holste, Svenja

Doctoral researchers

Holtmann, Karen, Dr.



Hong, Ji

Doctoral researchers

Hormaza Jimenez, Ingrid Carolina

Doctoral researchers

Hoß, Katharina

Doctoral researchers

Houben, Malin

Doctoral researchers

Isakova, Alina

Doctoral researchers

Isenberg Lima, Paulo

Doctoral researchers

John Sánchez, Patricia

Doctoral researchers

Kadic, Kenan

Doctoral researchers

Käufler, Nicole

Newsletter, Website, Support

Kahle, Patrick

Doctoral researchers

Kaiser, Carolin

Doctoral researchers

Karimi, Reihaneh

Doctoral researchers

Karmann, Anna

Doctoral researchers

Kashkovskaya, Natalya

Doctoral researchers

Kather, Franz

Doctoral researchers

Kelm, Ricardo

Doctoral researchers

Kessel, Martina, Prof'in Dr. Dr. h.c.

Executive Board

Khayati, Anass

Doctoral researchers

Klode, Sarah Elisabeth

Doctoral researchers

Knauff, Stefan

Doctoral researchers

Kramer, Jonas

Doctoral researchers

Kramper, Peter, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Krause, Susan, M.Ed.

Doctoral researchers

Krusche, Jakob

Doctoral researchers

Küchler, Armin

Doctoral researchers

Kunkel, Frederic

Doctoral researchers

Kuznetsov, Dmitry

Doctoral researchers

Landwehr, Gerhild, M.A.

Doctoral researchers

Leitenberger, Frank


Li, Tiantian

Doctoral researchers

Liening, Mascha

Doctoral researchers

Liu, Yixuan

Doctoral researchers

Logunov, Ivan

Doctoral researchers

Lütkewitte, Simon

Doctoral researchers

Luo, Ruyan

Doctoral researchers

Maile, Marius

Doctoral researchers

Malice, Teresa, Dr.

Executive Board

Mansouri, Malika

Associate doctoral researchers

Martini, Nina, M.Ed.

Doctoral researchers

Mayer, Maria del Carmen

Doctoral researchers

Meier, Anton

Doctoral researchers

Mellies, Alexandra

Doctoral researchers

Mense-Petermann, Ursula, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Meyhöfer, Frank

Doctoral researchers

Mirhosseini, Saba

Doctoral researchers

Mittelstät, Kathrin

Doctoral researchers

Morina, Christina, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Moya, Cristóbal

Doctoral researchers

Müller, Thomas, Dr.

Executive Board

Myatt, Madeleine

Doctoral researchers

Myriskos, Aristeidis

Doctoral researchers

Neuberger, Bent

Associate doctoral researchers

Neubert, Anna Maria

Doctoral researchers

Neumann, Vanessa

Doctoral researchers

Neuwinger, Malte

Doctoral researchers

Nguyen, Hoang Long

Doctoral researchers

Nickel, Amelie

Doctoral researchers

Niewöhner, Laura Maria

Doctoral researchers

Nord, Jascha

Doctoral researchers

Nüschen, Stella

Doctoral researchers

Olkheft, Olga

Doctoral researchers

Onno, Eva

Doctoral researchers

Pätzold, Ingo

Doctoral researchers

Palm, Raoul Manuel

Doctoral researchers

Pan, Meng-Hsi

Doctoral researchers

Peters, Christine

Associate doctoral researchers

Pfau, Julia

Doctoral researchers

Phan, Phuong

Doctoral researchers

Pölkemann, Stella

Doctoral researchers

Rajwani, Juhi

Doctoral researchers

Ramsari, Atefeh

Doctoral researchers

Rauf, Abdul

Doctoral researchers

Regazzoni, Lisa, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Reinecke, Jost, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Retzmann, Nike

Doctoral researchers

Rickmeier, Katrin

Doctoral researchers

Rieke, Tim Niklas

Doctoral researchers

Roepke, Stefan

Doctoral researchers

Rohrhirsch, Stefan

Doctoral researchers

Ruffler, Claudia

Associate doctoral researchers

Sabelfeld, Olga

Doctoral researchers

Sack, Detlef, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Saraseko, Tatiana

Doctoral researchers

Schäfer, Sabine, Dr.


Akademische Geschäftsführerin

Strategische Planung und Entwicklung, Studienprogramm und Curriculum, Arbeitsberichte, Praxisforschung, Kooperationen und Vernetzung, Gender & Diversity, Konfliktberatung

Schellhorn, Yvonne

Doctoral researchers

Schmidt, Elisabeth

Doctoral researchers

Schmidt, Lukas

Doctoral researchers

Schmidt, Vivien

Associate lecturer

Schöning, Julia

Doctoral researchers

Schürenberg, Wanda, M.Ed.

Doctoral researchers

Schütte, Miriam Kathleen

Doctoral researchers

Schütze, Stephan

Doctoral researchers

Schulz, Leonie

Doctoral researchers

Serikova, Anastasiia

Doctoral researchers

Sharma, Vidyasagar

Doctoral researchers

Sierra Chaves, Omar

Doctoral researchers

Simon, Mark

Doctoral researchers

Simsek, Basak Naz

Doctoral researchers

Simsek, Ilgim

Doctoral researchers

Skolarski, Stephan

Doctoral researchers

Skripchenko, Anna

Doctoral researchers

Sommer, Nicole

Doctoral researchers

Speich, Malte

Doctoral researchers

Spliethoff, Sophie Jasmin

Doctoral researchers

Stavroulias, Ioannis

Doctoral researchers

Stern, Verena

Doctoral researchers

Strietzel, Elisabeth

Doctoral researchers

Sua-Ngam-lam, Phanmika

Doctoral researchers

Sugiyono, Paulus Bagus

Doctoral researchers

Sukhampha, Rangsan

Doctoral researchers

Sultan, Tipu

Doctoral researchers

Sun, Yukun

Doctoral researchers

Thiele, Carla

Doctoral researchers

Tobias, Can David

Doctoral researchers

Toro, Daniele

Doctoral researchers

Executive Board

Trompetero Vicent, Maria Gabriela

Doctoral researchers

Tsaritova, Natia

Doctoral researchers

Tsolak, Dorian

Doctoral researchers

Tyrell, Hartmann, apl. Prof. i.R. Dr.


Ullrich, Vanessa Lara

Doctoral researchers

Uraiqat, Oday

Doctoral researchers

Uysal, Siir Cinar

Doctoral researchers

Vasilache, Andreas, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Vásquez Zevallos, Gladys Margarita

Doctoral researchers

Verhoeven, Ragna

Doctoral researchers

Volkov, Katerina

Doctoral researchers

von Bremen, Mikko

Doctoral researchers

Vukusa, Filip

Doctoral researchers

Wächter, Maximilian

Doctoral researchers

Wagner, Jessica Alessandra

Doctoral researchers

Wang, Weijing

Doctoral researchers

Weber, Matthias Fritz

Doctoral researchers

Weinhauer, Klaus, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Welskopp (†), Thomas, Prof. Dr.

Executive Board

Wessing, Catharina

Doctoral researchers

Wientzek, Wojciech

Doctoral researchers

Wilbers, Stefan

Doctoral researchers

Willjes, Kristina

Doctoral researchers

Wittenfeld, Lena

Doctoral researchers

Wystub, Marcus

Doctoral researchers

Yilkin, Alisait

Doctoral researchers

Zambrano, Adolfo

Doctoral researchers

Zaplatina, Anastasiia

Doctoral researchers

ZareBidaki, Mohadeseh

Doctoral researchers

Zhang, Yiming

Doctoral researchers

Zindel, Zaza Sophie Louise

Doctoral researchers

Zschieschang, Christina

Doctoral researchers