Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

SFB /Transregio 358 "Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory"


Untergeordnete Einrichtungen


Alfes, Claudia, Prof. Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A1: The structure of (almost) lattices - algebra, analysis and arithmetic


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B1: Theta lifts and uniform distribution


Baake, Michael, Prof. Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A1: The structure of (almost) lattices - algebra, analysis and arithmetic


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A2: Algebraic and arithmetic aspects of aperiodicity


Baumeister, Barbara, PD Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A3: Codes and designs


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C2: Hereditary categories, mirror groups and non-commutative curves


Bennett-Tennenhaus, Raphael

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C3: Tame patterns in the representation theory of reductive Lie groups and arithmetic geometry

Bieker, Patrick, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C6: Stratification of derived categories over a general basis

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties

Bogo, Gabriele, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A1: The structure of (almost) lattices - algebra, analysis and arithmetic

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B1: Theta lifts and uniform distribution

Botero, Ana Maria, Prof. Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B7: Chow Gruppen und Kompaktifizierungen von Modulräume


Bügemannskemper, Lars

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A1: The structure of (almost) lattices - algebra, analysis and arithmetic

Burmester, Annika, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A1: The structure of (almost) lattices - algebra, analysis and arithmetic

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C1: Hyper-Kähler Varieties and Moduli Spaces

Bux, Kai-Uwe, Prof. Dr.


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A5: Affine Kac-Moody Gruppen: Analysis, Algebra und Arithmetik


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B3: Spherical harmonic analysis on affine buildings and Macdonald theory


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B4: Geodetic Flows and Weyl Chamber Flows on Affine Buildings


Castellano, Ilaria, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B4: Geodetic Flows and Weyl Chamber Flows on Affine Buildings

Crawley-Boevey, William, Prof. Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A6: Zeta functions of integral quiver representations


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C2: Hereditary categories, mirror groups and non-commutative curves


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C3: Tame patterns in the representation theory of reductive Lie groups and arithmetic geometry


Degen, Sebastian

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A7: Matroids, codes and their q analogs

Floccari, Salvatore (Dr.)

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C1: Hyper-Kähler Varieties and Moduli Spaces

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties

Frank, Julius

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A8: Die stabile Kohomologie von symplektischen und orthogonalen Gruppen

Gähler, Franz, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A2: Algebraic and arithmetic aspects of aperiodicity

Gehrmann, Lennart, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B6: Equivariant cohomology and Shimura varieties

Gomes Cipriano Nabais Conde, Teresa, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C6: Stratification of derived categories over a general basis

Gomez Rodriguez, Juan Omar, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C6: Stratification of derived categories over a general basis

Grumbach, Jan Mathis

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A3: Codes and designs

Guntermann, Anna

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A1: The structure of (almost) lattices - algebra, analysis and arithmetic

Hartmann, Elisa

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B4: Geodetic Flows and Weyl Chamber Flows on Affine Buildings

Hebestreit, Fabian, Prof. Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A8: Die stabile Kohomologie von symplektischen und orthogonalen Gruppen


Hoff, Manuel

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties

Hubery, Andrew, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A6: Zeta functions of integral quiver representations

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C2: Hereditary categories, mirror groups and non-commutative curves

Kiefer, Paul, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A1: The structure of (almost) lattices - algebra, analysis and arithmetic

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B1: Theta lifts and uniform distribution

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C1: Hyper-Kähler Varieties and Moduli Spaces

Kirschmer, Markus, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A2: Algebraic and arithmetic aspects of aperiodicity

Klick, Anna

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A1: The structure of (almost) lattices - algebra, analysis and arithmetic

Krah, Johannes, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C7: Derived-splinters and full exceptional collections

Krause, Henning, Prof. Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C6: Stratification of derived categories over a general basis


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C7: Derived-splinters and full exceptional collections


Kreimeyer, Melanie


Kühne, Lukas, Prof. Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A7: Matroids, codes and their q analogs


Lau, Eike, Prof. Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C6: Stratification of derived categories over a general basis


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C7: Derived-splinters and full exceptional collections


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties


Lerch, Jan-Paul, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C4: Counting points on quiver Grassmannians

Letz, Janina Carmen, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C6: Stratification of derived categories over a general basis

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C7: Derived-splinters and full exceptional collections

Luz, Daniel

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A2: Algebraic and arithmetic aspects of aperiodicity

Magni, Pablo, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C1: Hyper-Kähler Varieties and Moduli Spaces

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C7: Derived-splinters and full exceptional collections

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties

Martinelli, Luigi, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C7: Derived-splinters and full exceptional collections

Mazzanti, Carl

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C1: Hyper-Kähler Varieties and Moduli Spaces

Meier, Sarah Diana

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B6: Equivariant cohomology and Shimura varieties

Mühlherr, Leonie

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A7: Matroids, codes and their q analogs

Nadig, Vikram

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A8: Die stabile Kohomologie von symplektischen und orthogonalen Gruppen

Neaime, Georges, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A3: Codes and designs

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C2: Hereditary categories, mirror groups and non-commutative curves

Paege, Simon

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties

Palmer, Marcel Christoph

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C2: Hereditary categories, mirror groups and non-commutative curves

Parker, Christopher James

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C6: Stratification of derived categories over a general basis

Petschick, Jan Moritz, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A6: Zeta functions of integral quiver representations

Reunbrouck, Tomas

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A1: The structure of (almost) lattices - algebra, analysis and arithmetic

Sauter, Julia, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C4: Counting points on quiver Grassmannians


Schneider, Paul

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B4: Geodetic Flows and Weyl Chamber Flows on Affine Buildings

Shen, Jianhao, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A6: Zeta functions of integral quiver representations

Spieß, Michael, Prof. Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B5: p-adic L-functions, L-invariants and the cohomology of arithmetic groups


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B6: Equivariant cohomology and Shimura varieties


Sprehe, Sören

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B5: p-adic L-functions, L-invariants and the cohomology of arithmetic groups

Stephan, Marc, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C6: Stratification of derived categories over a general basis

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C7: Derived-splinters and full exceptional collections

Strathausen, Rebekka

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B1: Theta lifts and uniform distribution

Tielker, Elena, Dr.

Akademische Geschäftsführung

Vial, Charles, Prof. Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C1: Hyper-Kähler Varieties and Moduli Spaces


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C7: Derived-splinters and full exceptional collections


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties


Vital, Eduardo, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / B7: Chow Gruppen und Kompaktifizierungen von Modulräume

Voll, Christopher, Prof. Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A1: The structure of (almost) lattices - algebra, analysis and arithmetic


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A4: Combinatorial Euler products


Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A6: Zeta functions of integral quiver representations


von Rotberg, John Noam Sophia

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / A4: Combinatorial Euler products

Zou, Haitao, Dr.

Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory / C8: Cohomological structures of hyper-Kähler varieties