Please note: This class is designed for students who took up their studies before the summer semester 2023 and who have to complete BM3 (not Basismodul3)!
In this class we will apply the different descriptive levels of linguistics introduced in "Introduction to Linguistics I." This means that you should feel comfortable using the terminology from that class, such as phonetics, phonology, phonotactics, phones, allophones, phonemes, morphemes, morphophonology, word classes, sentence constituents, and so on. When we look, for example, at first language acquisition, we'll use the concepts and terminology that was introduced and used in "Introduction to Linguistics I" and see in what ways we can describe the different stages of language acquisition as accurately as possible. In addition to this, we will look more closely at central aspects of language use in the area of sociolinguistics. This means that I will introduce you to variationist linguistics and studies conducted in this area. The studies used here come both from the US and GB and look as social, ethnic, gender, and regional language variation.
Rhythmus | Tag | Uhrzeit | Format / Ort | Zeitraum |
Modul | Veranstaltung | Leistungen | |
23-ANG-AngBM3_b Basismodul 3: Linguistics/Language Acquisition | BM 3.2: Introduction to Linguistics II (Applied Linguistics) | Studienleistung
Studieninformation |
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