250339 School around the world: Reflections on selected countries/ Schule rund um die Welt: Reflektionen anhand ausgewählter Länder (S) (SoSe 2019)

Inhalt, Kommentar

This course will be held bilingually in English and in German in a Co-Teaching setting with two docents coming from Canada and Germany. It aims to introduce the field of international and comparative education as well as international teaching to students at the undergraduate level. As a lead-in, there is a brief overview of international relations theories in general and also systematic reflections about general characteristics of education and school take place. Knowledge of the functionality of national systems is important in any discussion of comparative education. It is highly significant in the sense that knowing something of the political, cultural, social and historical antecedents of contemporary education systems helps contextualize them in their current environment. Additionally, theoretical perspectives and the philosophical ideas that education is based on are crucial in widening this understanding. Preceding from these reflections, the course looks specifically at national education systems in different regions of the world. Of particular attention are states in North America and Europe such as Canada. The Canadian education system is examined in detail and reference is made, for example, to the federal system of government and education, as well as critical issues such as the historical system of residential schools for First Nations peoples in Canada and their impact on contemporary First Nations education. Within the course students learn and reflect about educational systems in different countries through a variety of means including bilingual class discussion, as well as directed readings of texts in both languages and short presentations of the reading results either in English or in German.
Regarding the competencies, the students should achieve, they initially gain an understanding of and should briefly be able to explain the role the modern international system plays in relation to national education systems. Moreover, students acquire a knowledge of the international laws, structures of governance, conflict, and human rights issues as they impact on national education systems. Building on this, students assess the ways in which a comparative perspective on national school systems can be achieved. Following on this, students gain knowledge of educational systems in different global regions. Penultimately, students develop an understanding of some of the challenges different national and local school systems face in specific regional contexts.

Please note that Prof. John Allisons stay at Bielefeld University is mainly financed by the International Guest Docent Program and also in parts by the Faculty of Educational Science.

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Modul Veranstaltung Leistungen  
23-GP Global Perspectives Bereich 2: World history, culture and language Studienleistung
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25-BE-IndiErg3_a IndiErg: Bildung und Didaktik E1: Bildung: Theorien und Institutionen Studienleistung
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E3: Bildung: Theorien und Institutionen oder Didaktische Modelle und Lernräume Studienleistung
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25-BE-IndiErg8_a International Studies in Educational Science E2: Comparative and/or International Education Studienleistung
25-BE11 Abschlussmodul E1: Seminar Studienleistung
25-BE8 Bildung: Theorien und Institutionen E2: Theorien und Institutionen Studienleistung
25-FS-BE8 Bildung: Theorien und Institutionen E2: Theorien und Institutionen Studienleistung
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25-IR Interkulturalität reflexiv Bereich 2: Handlungsfelder in Wissenschaft und Praxis Studienleistung
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25-UFP2 Institutionen des Bildungs- und Erziehungswesens E1: Institutionalisierung von Bildung/Erziehung Studienleistung
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25-UFP2_a Institutionen des Bildungs- und Erziehungswesens E1: Institutionalisierung von Bildung/Erziehung Studienleistung
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25-UFP3 Werte und Ziele in Erziehung und Bildung E2: Erziehungsziele und päd. Konzepte Studienleistung

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Studiengang/-angebot Gültigkeit Variante Untergliederung Status Sem. LP  
Internationales in Studium und Lehre (Einschreibung bis SS 2011) Wahl 3 aktive Teilnahme Global Perspectives, Bereich 2 GS
Internationales in Studium und Lehre (Einschreibung bis SS 2011) Wahl 3 aktive Teilnahme Interkulturalität reflexiv, Bereich 2 GS
Studieren ab 50    

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registrierte Anzahl: 19
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Begrenzte Anzahl Teilnehmer*innen: 80
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Letzte Änderung Grunddaten/Lehrende:
Sonntag, 17. März 2019 
Letzte Änderung Zeiten:
Montag, 15. April 2019 
Letzte Änderung Räume:
Montag, 15. April 2019 
Art(en) / SWS
S / 2
Diese Veranstaltung wird komplett in englischer Sprache gehalten
Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft
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