220150 European Regimes of Production and Consumption in the Process of Globalisation (S) (SoSe 2011)

Inhalt, Kommentar

Can the Central-European Economic Model survive in times of an accelerated Globalisation? Is there any room left for different approaches to economic and social policy? Does international competition force the ever more integrating economies to follow the path of ‘one best practise’? Theses are the current central question not only for European economic policy makers, but also for governments, trade unions, and other NGOs.
However, regardless of adaptations of elements from the Anglo-Saxon into the Central-European Economic model, globalisation did not lead to an entire equalisation of Production Regimes. Even though, both production regimes share a number of features for creating the wealth of nations, in other aspects both do differ significant one from another.
Aim of the course is firstly to analyse the sources and preconditions of western economic development and growth. An introduction into basic economic models concerning productivity, growth, distribution forms the first part of the course. In the second part participants study economic theories and approaches beyond classical and neoclassical economics like new institutional economics and new economic geography. The last part is dedicated to the empirical application of the economic theories to the historical development of the central European, exemplified by Germany and the US American, as case for Anglo-Saxon Production regime.

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen, notwendige Vorkenntnisse

Teilnahme am Seminar in St.Petersburg zwischen dem 29.08 – 09.09.2011 als Blockseminar statt. Ferner sind gute Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch und der Bachelor nötig für die erfolgreiche Teilnahme.
This seminar is offered to students of the MA programme "Studies in European Societies" at the Faculty of Sociology of St Petersburg State University. History and Sociology Students from Bielefeld University (who spend their winterterm in St. Petersburg) are very welcome to participate. For further information please address directly to David Gilgen, david.gilgen@uni-bielefeld.de or to andreas.vasilache@uni-bielefeld.de


Essential Readings:
In order to follow the course, the following books are essential:
David Gilgen: European Regimes of Production and Consumption in the Process of Globalisation. In: E. Shershneva / L. Kuznetsova (Eds.): The Economic Europe. St.Petersburg 2009, p. 15-76
Krugman, Paul / Obstfeld, Maurice: International Economics. New York, 1991
Hall, Peter A. / Soskice, David: Varieties of Capitalism, Oxford 2001
Abelshauser, Werner: The Dynamics of German Industry. Germany's Path toward the New Economy and the American Challenge, New York , Oxford 2005

Further Readings:
Richard Evans: In Defense of History. New Vork 2000
Czada, R./ Lütz, S.: Die politische Konstruktion von Märkten. Wiesbaden 2000; Scott Foresman/Little Brown, 1988; Beck, Stefan / Klobes, Frank / Scherer, Christoph: Surviving Globalisation. Perspectives for the German Model. Berlin 2005; Michael Porter: Competitive Advantage of Nations. Harvard Business Review, March-April, 1990; D. C. North: Structure and Change in Economic History (New York: W. W. Norton, 1981). p.158-170, 201-209; Ders.: Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Egon Matzner, Wolfgang Streeck (Hg.) Beyond Keynesianism, Aldershot: Elgar, 1991; Vitols, Sigurt: Globalisation and the Transformation of the German Model. In: Stubbs,R./ Underhill,G.: Political Economy and the Changing Global Order. Oxford 2005; Wolfgang Streeck and Colin Crouch (ed.): Political Economy of Modern Capitalism. London 1997; Herbert Kitschelt et. al. (Hg.): Continuity and Change in Contemporary Capitalism, Cambridge; David Soskice, „Globalisierung und institutionelle Divergenz: Die USA und Deutschland im Vergleich“, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 25 (1999)


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Studiengang/-angebot Gültigkeit Variante Untergliederung Status Sem. LP  
Geschichtswissenschaft / Master (Einschreibung bis SoSe 2012) Mastermodul 4.1 Wahlpflicht 1. 2. 7.5 scheinfähig Theorieseminar Transnational; Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar  

The following requirements have to be met in order to participate successfully in the seminar:

* Reading of the assigned literature
* Active participation in the seminar debates
* A short presentation
* 3-hour written examination

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Letzte Änderung Grunddaten/Lehrende:
Freitag, 11. Dezember 2015 
Letzte Änderung Zeiten:
Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011 
Letzte Änderung Räume:
Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011 
Art(en) / SWS
S /
Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie / Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft
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