- "How can I teach literature to relative beginners?"
- "Can teaching classical literature actually be interesting (for myself, my students, ...)?"
- "Which novels might be relevant for the 'Zentralabitur'?"
If you are planning to become an English teacher and consider these questions relevant and interesting, this is the right course for you. The seminar aims to discuss general approaches to teaching literature (e.g. structuring lessons and units). These ideas will be tried out with various novels that are/were/may be relevant for the 'Zentralabitur', as well as with books that aim at younger learners.
For a Studienleistung, you will have to show that you worked on the seminar modules. This will include:
- the reading of the secondary texts as well as novels/plays
- working on tasks
- participating in the presence sessions
For a Prüfungsleistung: exams (A-date in the last week of term, B-date in semester break)
Notwendige Voraussetzungen: FsB vom 15.11.2023 (Einschreibung ab SoSe 2023)
Vor dem Besuch der Veranstaltungen in den Profilmodulen muss der Language Proficiency Test (23-ANG-Basis1) bestanden sein. Im Master of Education gilt diese Voraussetzung mit dem erfolgreichen Masterzugang als erbracht.
Rhythmus | Tag | Uhrzeit | Format / Ort | Zeitraum |
Datum | Uhrzeit | Format / Raum | Kommentar zum Klausurtermin |
Zeige vergangene Klausurtermine >>
Modul | Veranstaltung | Leistungen | |
23-ANG-AngPM1_HRSGe_GymGe Profilmodul 1 - HRSGe GymGe: Teaching English as a Foreign Language | Media in the Communicative English Classroom | Studienleistung
benotete Prüfungsleistung |
Studieninformation |
23-ANG-AngPM1_HRSGe_GymGe_ver1 Profilmodul 1 - HRSGe GymGe: Teaching English as a Foreign Language | Media in the Communicative English Classroom | Studienleistung
benotete Prüfungsleistung |
Studieninformation |
23-ANG-Profil1_HRSGe_GymGe Profilmodul 1: English Language Teaching (ELT) in Secondary Schools | 3. Media, Literature and Culture in ELT (Secondary Schools) | Studienleistung
benotete Prüfungsleistung |
Studieninformation |
23-ANG-Profil1_HRSGe_GymGe_ver1 Profilmodul 1: English Language Teaching (ELT) in Secondary Schools | 3. Media, Literature and Culture in ELT (Secondary Schools) | Studienleistung
benotete Prüfungsleistung |
Studieninformation |
Die verbindlichen Modulbeschreibungen enthalten weitere Informationen, auch zu den "Leistungen" und ihren Anforderungen. Sind mehrere "Leistungsformen" möglich, entscheiden die jeweiligen Lehrenden darüber.
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