This seminar will particularly focus on practical aspects of teaching English in primary schools and prepare students for the Praxissemester.
We will firstly recall some characteristics of good teaching practice in the primary EFL classroom which will serve as a basis for your further planning of lesson (elements). We will also explore how to structure a lesson, how to find and formulate learning objectives and how to put your lesson structure in the scheme used in the PS. Assessment of young learners and evaluation of your teaching practice will also be addressed. You will gain insights into where and how to find suitable material, how to organize yourself during the PS, as well as some helpful classroom management tips.
You will apply your practical knowledge by planning a microteaching session as a part of a whole sequence of lessons. This session will be presented in class and evaluated based on the lesson criteria we developed
For those studying according to the new FsB (2022), you need to have passed the LPT first.
The content of this course it based on:
Böttger, H. (2020). Englisch lernen in der Grundschule. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
Böttger, H. (2020, ed.). Englisch. Didaktik für die Grundschule. Berlin: Cornelsen.
Elsner, D. (2019). Oldenbourg Fortbildung: Englisch in der Grundschule unterrichten: Grundlagen, Methoden, Praxisbeispiele. Berlin: Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag.
Kolb, A. & Schocker, M. (2021). Teaching English in the Primary School. A task-based introduction for pre- and in-service teachers. Hannover: Klett/Kallmeyer.
Klippel, F. (2009). Englisch in der Grundschule. Berlin: Cornelsen.
Wysocki, K (2010). Kooperatives Lernen im Englischunterricht. Die Kommunikationsfähigkeit fördern vom ersten Schuljahr an. Essen: Neue Deutsche Schule.
Rhythmus | Tag | Uhrzeit | Format / Ort | Zeitraum |
Modul | Veranstaltung | Leistungen | |
23-ANG-VRPS_G Vorbereitung und Reflexion des Praxissemesters (G) | FDG1 Teaching English Language and Literature | Studienleistung
benotete Prüfungsleistung |
Studieninformation |
23-ANG-VRPS_G_ver1 Vorbereitung und Reflexion des Praxissemesters (G) | FDG55.1 Teaching English Language and Literature | Studienleistung
benotete Prüfungsleistung |
Studieninformation |
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