230421 South Africa in Film and Literature: Linguistics meets Literary and Cultural Studies (Teil I) (BS) (SoSe 2017)

Inhalt, Kommentar

South Africa is the southernmost country of the African continent, linguistically complex and has thus attracted the interest of linguists from various backgrounds. From an Anglicist perspective, the varieties of English in South Africa are of particular interest and are among the best described. In this class, we will look at the historical/colonial background of the country, taking into consideration its consequences for the contemporary linguistic make-up. We will explore linguistic practices, such as code-switching and code-mixing, and describe the linguistic features of the Englishes spoken in this part of the world.
This will enable us to analyse language variation in films and literature and explore why and how different varieties of English (or different languages for that matter) are used in popular films, novels or poems. We will link this to concepts of variational linguistics and draw on other recent works and approaches in linguistics, dealing with topics such as authenticity, identity formation, style-shifting, and stereotyping.
We shall apply these findings to literary texts and films from and about South Africa studying poems by Lebogang Mashile and Lesego Rampolokeng and reading two short novels: Disgrace (1999) by Nobel Prize winner J. M. Coetzee and Coconut (2007) by Kopano Matlwa, which contrasts the adolescence of two black girls in Johannesburg.
The controversial novel Disgrace received the prestigious British Booker Prize and was adapted for the screen in 2009, but was severely criticized by the South African ANC government for its “subliminal racism”. We shall watch the film adaptation starring John Malkovich and compare the language use here to the film musical Sarafina (1992) with Whoopy Goldberg in the lead.


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Modul Veranstaltung Leistungen  
23-ANG-M-AngVM1 Vertiefungsmodul 1: Cultural Exchange and Academic Proficiency VM 1.1 Cultural Exchange Studienleistung
23-ANG-M-HM1 Hauptmodul 1: The English Language and the Processes of Culture HM 1.1 The English Language in Context Studienleistung
23-ANG-M-HM2 Hauptmodul 2: British Literature and the Processes of Culture HM 2.1 British Literature in Context Studienleistung
23-ANG-M-HM4 Hauptmodul 4: Media and the Processes of Culture HM 4.1 Cultural Communication Studienleistung
HM 4.2 Mediating Cultures Studienleistung

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Letzte Änderung Grunddaten/Lehrende:
Donnerstag, 18. Mai 2017 
Letzte Änderung Zeiten:
Freitag, 12. Mai 2017 
Letzte Änderung Räume:
Freitag, 12. Mai 2017 
Art(en) / SWS
BS / 4
Diese Veranstaltung wird komplett in englischer Sprache gehalten
Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft
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