Economics and Management (BiGSEM) / Promotion

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Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311705 Steg Microeconomics 2b (Mechanism Design) V Mo 16-18 in U2-233; Fr 14-16 in H2
311706 Riedel Microeconomics 2a (Game Theory) V Mo 16-18 in U2-233; Fr 14-16 in H2
311917 Chochua Macroeconomics II
Diese Veranstaltung wird wöchentlich 6-stündig stattfinden und endet nach 6 Wochen mit der Klausur (Midterm), weitere 4 Wochen später mit der Finalklausur.
V Mo 10-12 in X-E0-234 einmalig am 08.04.2019 in X-E1-107; Do 14-16 in X-E1-201 einmalig am 04.04.2019 in X-E0-205; Fr 12-14 in X-E1-203; Do 14-16, einmalig in X-E0-205; Mo 10-12, einmalig in X-E1-107; Do 14-16, einmalig in C01-243

Field Courses

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311913 Chochua Außenwirtschaft
Diese Veranstaltung wird wöchentlich 6-stündig stattfinden und endet nach 6 Wochen mit der Abschlussklausur.
V Mo 10-12 in Raum wie 311917; Do 14-16 in Raum wie 311917; Fr 12-14 in Raum wie 311917
311914 Clemens Wachstum und Verteilung V Di 10-12 in T2-226
312008 Steg Dynamic Information and Learning Externalities
Seminar course in English language. Dates for presentations will be discussed in first meeting.
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl: 12
S Do 14-16, einmalig in T2-220 first meeting only
312211 Schmeck Seminar on Topics in Securitization of Insurance Markets
The traditional insurance industry diversifies risk in a large portfolio. Using the law of large numbers, this works very well for unsystematic risk. If a systematic risk is involved though, the law of large numbers does not work well any more. One example of a systematic risk in life insurance is the longevity risk: people might live systematically longer than anticipated when calculating the premium for pension insurance. This leads to the risk of extra costs for the live insurer, who has to pay the pensions longer than expected. The transfer of this (systematic) insurance risk to the financial markets is called securitization of the insurance market. Using recent original literature in English language, we consider different aspects as the pricing and hedging of securitization products, as well as the (optimal) use for investors and the insurance industry.
S N. N., N. N. geblockte Termine, werden noch bekanntgegeben
312216 Utar Empirical Industrial Organization V    
312830 Dawid, Wen Master Seminar: Investment and Industry Dynamics S  
312833 Clemens Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Termine werden noch bekanntgegeben.
312938 Bilstein Experimental Research in Management S Di 10-12 in U9-151; Di 10-12, einmalig in V9-117
313101 Dawid Agent-based Computational Economics V Mi 8-10 in W8-107
313103 Dawid, Gezer Numerische Methoden in der ökonomischen Analyse (Numerical Methods in Dynamic Games) V Di 12-14 in T2-228; Di 12-14, einmalig in U0-131
313108 Dawid, Gezer Praktische Übung zu Numerische Methoden in der ökonomischen Analyse (Tutorial Numerical Methods in Dynamic Games) Ü Di 12-14 in T2-228; Di 12-14, einmalig in U0-131
318001 Ferrari Finance 2 (Financial Markets in Continuous Time)
Lecture in English. Requires knowledge in stochatic calculus.
V Di 14-16 in H8; Mo 18-20 in U2-205

Colloquia & Research Seminars

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
317303 Breitmoser, Clemens, Dawid, Eckwert, Ferrari, Greiner, Riedel, Willmann Volkswirtschaftliches Kolloquium (Economics Seminar) Ko Di 18-20 in H8; Do 16-18, einmalig in H8


A general list of possibilities for obtaining elective credits is given here.

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311918 Chochua Übung zur Vorlesung: Macroeconomics - II Ü Fr 16-18 in U2-223
312001 Harting Markt- und Industriedynamik V Mi 10-12 in U2-217
312819 Eckwert, Szczutkowski, Brandt Seminar: Informationsökonomik,Versicherungsökonomik, Finanzmarkttheorie (Master) S Mi 10-12 in V8-240
312905 Dawid BiGSEM-Kolloquium Ko Di 16-18 in V10-122
312923 Utar Doctoral Colloquium: Topics in International Trade Ko n. V., n. V. in V8-106
312938 Bilstein Experimental Research in Management S Di 10-12 in U9-151; Di 10-12, einmalig in V9-117
313103 Dawid, Gezer Numerische Methoden in der ökonomischen Analyse (Numerical Methods in Dynamic Games) V Di 12-14 in T2-228; Di 12-14, einmalig in U0-131
313108 Dawid, Gezer Praktische Übung zu Numerische Methoden in der ökonomischen Analyse (Tutorial Numerical Methods in Dynamic Games) Ü Di 12-14 in T2-228; Di 12-14, einmalig in U0-131
317101 Greiner Promotions-/Doktorandenkolloquium Ko  
318002 Ferrari Finance 2 Tutorial
Lecture in English. Requires knowledge in stochastic calculus.
Ü Do 10-12 in H9

Weitere Veranstaltungen für das Profil Economics

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312900 Riedel Master- und Doktorandenseminar
Writing a Master thesis at the IMW requires deeper knowledge in stochastic analysis and finance. The following moduls are assumed to be passed: Stochastic Analysis (24-M-STA) Finance 1 (31-M-Fin1) Finance 2 (31-M-Fin2) Further, it can be advantageous to attend the lecture "Finance 3".
S Di 14-16 in V10-122
312901 Ferrari Master- und Doktorandenseminar
Writing a Master thesis at the IMW requires deeper knowledge in stochastic analysis and finance. The following moduls are assumed to be passed: Stochastic Analysis (24-M-STA) Finance 1 (31-M-Fin1) Finance 2 (31-M-Fin2) Further, it can be advantageous to attend the lecture "Finance 3".
S Di 10-12 in V10-122
317400 Eckwert Master-/Doktorandenkolloquium eKVV Teilnahmemanagement Ko Fr 14-16 in V8-240

Data Science


A general list of possibilities for obtaining elective credits is given here.


Field Courses

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312211 Schmeck Seminar on Topics in Securitization of Insurance Markets
The traditional insurance industry diversifies risk in a large portfolio. Using the law of large numbers, this works very well for unsystematic risk. If a systematic risk is involved though, the law of large numbers does not work well any more. One example of a systematic risk in life insurance is the longevity risk: people might live systematically longer than anticipated when calculating the premium for pension insurance. This leads to the risk of extra costs for the live insurer, who has to pay the pensions longer than expected. The transfer of this (systematic) insurance risk to the financial markets is called securitization of the insurance market. Using recent original literature in English language, we consider different aspects as the pricing and hedging of securitization products, as well as the (optimal) use for investors and the insurance industry.
S N. N., N. N. geblockte Termine, werden noch bekanntgegeben
312938 Bilstein Experimental Research in Management S Di 10-12 in U9-151; Di 10-12, einmalig in V9-117
313101 Dawid Agent-based Computational Economics V Mi 8-10 in W8-107
313103 Dawid, Gezer Numerische Methoden in der ökonomischen Analyse (Numerical Methods in Dynamic Games) V Di 12-14 in T2-228; Di 12-14, einmalig in U0-131
313108 Dawid, Gezer Praktische Übung zu Numerische Methoden in der ökonomischen Analyse (Tutorial Numerical Methods in Dynamic Games) Ü Di 12-14 in T2-228; Di 12-14, einmalig in U0-131

Colloquia & Research Seminars

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
317303 Breitmoser, Clemens, Dawid, Eckwert, Ferrari, Greiner, Riedel, Willmann Volkswirtschaftliches Kolloquium (Economics Seminar) Ko Di 18-20 in H8; Do 16-18, einmalig in H8


A general list of possibilities for obtaining elective credits is given here.

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312001 Harting Markt- und Industriedynamik V Mi 10-12 in U2-217
312905 Dawid BiGSEM-Kolloquium Ko Di 16-18 in V10-122
312938 Bilstein Experimental Research in Management S Di 10-12 in U9-151; Di 10-12, einmalig in V9-117
313103 Dawid, Gezer Numerische Methoden in der ökonomischen Analyse (Numerical Methods in Dynamic Games) V Di 12-14 in T2-228; Di 12-14, einmalig in U0-131
313108 Dawid, Gezer Praktische Übung zu Numerische Methoden in der ökonomischen Analyse (Tutorial Numerical Methods in Dynamic Games) Ü Di 12-14 in T2-228; Di 12-14, einmalig in U0-131

Work on Thesis

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
317307 Dawid, Gezer, Riedel Economic Theory Lunch Seminar Ko Fr 12-14 in V10-122

Weitere Veranstaltungen für das Profil Management

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312935 Decker, Jahnke, Stummer BiGSEM Colloquium Ko Mo 15-17, einmalig in U3-140; Mo 15-17, einmalig in U3-140; Mi 15-17, einmalig in U3-140
312937 Decker, Jahnke, Stummer BiGSEM - Research Seminar S N. N., N. N. unregelmäßige Termine, werden noch bekanntgegeben


Field Courses

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312938 Bilstein Experimental Research in Management S Di 10-12 in U9-151; Di 10-12, einmalig in V9-117


A general list of possibilities for obtaining elective credits is given here.

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312938 Bilstein Experimental Research in Management S Di 10-12 in U9-151; Di 10-12, einmalig in V9-117

Weitere Veranstaltungen

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312936 Decker, Jahnke, Stummer Konferenzvorträge
Die Veranstaltung ist nur für Doktoranden geöffnet.
Vtr N. N., N. N. Unregelmäßige Termine, werden gesondert bekanntgegeben.
319998 Jahnke ARA-Workshop
Die Veranstaltung ist eine interne Veranstaltung, zu der lediglich die Doktoranden des Lehrstuhls Prof. Jahnke eingeladen sind.

(Diese Seite wurde erzeugt am: 18.4.2024 (13:46 Uhr))