Frau Nelli Schmelzer: Teaching

Weekly schedule Contact

All courses for recent semesters:

SoSe 2022

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
240345 Schmelzer   Didaktik der Stochastik (HR)
Limited number of participants: 40 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Do 10-12 in C01-220 [04.04.-15.07.2022]
240382 Schmelzer   Origami im Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
240913 Schmelzer   Vorbereitung des Praxissemesters in Mathematik an HRSGe (VPS) - Seminar 2
Limited number of participants: 15 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Do 12-14 in E01-108 [04.04.-15.07.2022]

WiSe 2021/2022

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
240376 Kleine, Schmelzer   Erklärvideos im Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule
Limited number of participants: 40 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Do 10-18 ONLINE [23.09.2021]
Do 10-16 ONLINE [07.10.2021]
240379 Kleine, Schmelzer   Didaktik der Stochastik, HR
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Do 10-12 ONLINE [11.10.2021-04.02.2022]
240380 Schmelzer   Erklärvideos im Mathematikunterricht der Sekundarstufe
Limited number of participants: 40 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Fr 10-18 (Block) ONLINE [24.09.2021]
Fr 10-16 (Block) ONLINE [08.10.2021]

SoSe 2021

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
240345 Kleine, Schmelzer   Didaktik der Stochastik (HR)
Limited number of participants: 40 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Mi 10-12 ONLINE [12.04.-23.07.2021]
240381 Kleine, Schmelzer   Erklärvideos in Zeiten von Homeschooling für die Grundschule
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Do 10:00-16:00 ONLINE [25.03.2021]
Fr 10:00-18:00 ONLINE [09.04.2021]
240383 Schmelzer   Erklärvideos in Zeiten von Homeschooling für die Sekundarstufe
Limited number of participants: 20 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Fr 10-16 ONLINE [26.03.2021]
Do 10-18 ONLINE [08.04.2021]

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