Frau Dr. Bettina Brandt: Lehre

Bild der Person

Wochenplan Kontakt

Veranstaltungen aus den letzten Semestern:

WiSe 2024/2025

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220043 Brandt   Bild und Gewalt in der Moderne S Do 12-14 in C01-264 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025]
220045 Brandt   Mediengeschichte der Moderne K Mi 14-16 in U2-228 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025]
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni   Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 in X-A2-103 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025]

SoSe 2024

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220032 Brandt   From National to Global Dynamics? Deconstructing National Narratives in 19th and 20th Century Europe
This blended course takes place within the framework of the European University Alliance NEOLAiA.

Application deadline at Bielefeld University: December 20, 2023

The Blended Intensive Program (BIP) introduces an innovative international perspective on national historiographies by contrasting developments in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, and Sweden. Teaching combines remote sessions and on-site meetings (at Örebro University, Sweden) aiming to explore the topic of historiography in Europe.
Course taught in English
S Mo ONLINE [26.02.-27.05.2024] 26 February 2024: Preparatory Meeting (Zoom) + 12 April 2024 Workshop (Zoom) + 21-27 April 2024 Spring School Örebro University (Sweden) + 27 May 2024 Workshop (Zoom)
220133 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Morina, Regazzoni, Steinmetz   Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 in X-A2-103 [08.04.-19.07.2024]

WiSe 2023/2024

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220035 Brandt, Dahl   BGHS Theory Class Understanding as a key concept in the humanities and social sciences Course taught in English S N. N. 9-16 (Block) ONLINE [10.11.-02.12.2023] Einführungssitzung: 10. November 10-12 Uhr, 1. Workshop: 1. Dezember 9-16 Uhr, 2. Workshop: 2. Dezember 9-16 Uhr
220036 Brandt   Verstehen als analytische Kategorie in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften eKVV Teilnahmemanagement S Do 14-16 in X-A2-105 [12.10.2023-02.02.2024] einmalig am 19.10.2023 in X-A4-113
Do 14-16 in X-A4-113 [19.10.2023]
220047 Lutz, Brandt, Kessel, Manthe, Steinmetz   Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 in X-B3-117 [09.10.2023-02.02.2024]

Zeige ältere Semester