Herr Eduardo Garnacho Velasco: Lehre

Wochenplan Kontakt

Alle Veranstaltungen in allen Semestern:

WiSe 2022/2023

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242638 Garnacho Velasco   BGTS What the FAKT Seminar
What the FAKT is a seminar from PhD's and Postdocs to PhD's and Postdocs, born in the context of the BGTS.

Research comes from a desire to answer questions, which fascinate us because they are bigger thanour possibility of imagination. In this seminar we aim to transmit the astonishment we feel, by presenting in a simple and passionate way science related topics that fascinate us.

We want to share our passion for research by showing funny and marvellous facts about science!
We welcome all interested Master students, Phd students and Postdocs (also not members of the BGTS), to join us!

...and don't worry - this seminar is completely informal, exists to enjoy science together and will not be judged at all.

Please feel free to join us.
S Fr 17-19 in V3-201 [10.10.2022-03.02.2023]