© Universität Bielefeld


Annoncement: Meet the Shortcuts

Veröffentlicht am 25. October 2017

On Wednesday, 8 November 2017, the new member of the shortcutprogram will introduce themselves and show their planned doctoral research projects. The nine young researchers (two historians and seven sociologists) prepared short poster presentations for the event. After the presentations there will time for further questions and discussions.

The presentations take place in the BGHS seminar room (X-B2-103). Beginning is at 2 pm. (s.t.)

The purpose of the shortcuts prgram is to support female students at the transition between the MA study and doctoral studies. For four months, the participants of the program are part of the BGHS and develop their doctoral projects, supported by colloquia and workshops.

For further information about the shortcuts program, the participants of this year and their projects, please visit:

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Linie 4 has started

Veröffentlicht am 24. October 2017

Dr. Marius Meinhof hold the first lecture within the series »Linie 4«. Photo by Theresa Hornischer

On Tuesday 17 October the first presentation within the open lecture series Linie 4 took place at VHS Bielefeld. Dr. Marius Meinhof presented his latest research on consumption and national modernization in China.

In his lecture, the sociologist focused on the everyday life and the shopping habits of citizens of Chinese cities like Zhengzhou, Wuhan and Nanjing. In addition to very modern shopping areas one can also find streets with mostly illegal but tolerated markets.

Hightech meets market places

China's mega-cities are full of futuristic and highly diverse consumer cultures. These consumer cultures are related to a project of national modernization by the state. The chinese government tries to create a pluralized consuming middle class. Enchanted by this project of modernization, many Chinese tend to overlook how modern and diverse their country already is - and that this modernity and diversity often can be found at places believed to be "backwards".

In addition to the presentation there was also much time for questions and discussions by and with the audiance.

Women against their fatherland

On 7 November the lecture series will be continued with a talk by the historian Theresa Hornischer. The title of the second presentation will be: Women against their fatherland France (1918-1939).

For further information and the schedule please see:


hertz 87,9: Podcast »ImPuls« zur Vortragsreihe Linie 4
Facebook: #campusminute

Text: Theresa Hornischer

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Open Lecture Series »Linie 4«

Veröffentlicht am 15. October 2017

On Tuesday, 17 October 2017 at 6 pm, the third series of public lectures »Linie 4« will start at Ravensberger Park. Within the cooperation project with the Volkshochschule Bielefeld (adult education centre) a total of eight lectures are planned until February 2018. One lecture will be in English.

The programme covers historical topics and current social issues: for example female political activists in France in the inter-war period, Yazidi women as refugees in Germany and murders with secret poison in the 19th century. At the beginning of the lecture series, the sociologist Dr. Marius Meinhof will hold a lecture on the topic: Konsum und nationale Modernisierung in China [Consumption and national modernization in China]. After the presentation there will be time for questions from the audiance.

Everybody who is interested in the lecture series is cordially invited. The lecture series is for free. The doctoral researchers of the BGHS are looking forward to an exciting exchange and a fruitful dialogue with an interested audience in the city centre.

For further information and the programme please see:

UNI.AKTUELL (in German)
hertz 87,9: Podcast »ImPuls« zur Vortragsreihe Linie 4 (in German)

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28 new BGHS researchers

Veröffentlicht am 12. October 2017

20 of 28 new doctoral researchers in summer term 2017 Photo by Thomas Abel

With this winter term, 28 new young researchers start at the BGHS. On Wednesday, 11 October, they were introduced by Ursula Mense-Petermann. The huge group consists of new BGHS members, participants of the short cut program and young researcher of the SFB Practices of Comparing and the graduate school World Politics.

After a presentation about the department of history (by Dr. Bettina Brandt) and the faculty of sociology Dr. Sabine Schäfer, the executive manager of the BGHS, informed the participants about the structure and the programme of the BGHS and introduced the staff of the BGHS office. The Doctoral Representatives also took the chance for a warm welcome. In the following coffee break in the BGHS-Lounge the doctoral researchers and guests got to know each other.

Getting Started

In the second part of the Welcome Day the new doctoral researchers of the BGHS received some more information concerning the doctorate: information on the study programme and BGHS specific formats (Dr. Sabine Schäfer), on financial support and applications for travel- and mobility grants (Dr. Miriam Kanne), on transferable skills and career services (Melanie Eulitz) and on former and planned public science- and Art&Science-projects (Thomas Abel). Information on technical questions and the infrastructure at the BGHS (Frank Leitenberger) completed the session. The Welcome Day ended with a short campus tour.

The new doctoral reseachers and their projects

  • Anatoly Boyashov (Soziologie): Actors in Establishment of Global Human Rights Networks Within International Organisations: case study of the United Nations Human Rights Council
  • Aziz Elmurodov (Soziologie): Competing narratives of Europe in Russian foreign policy: in search of identity or policy?
  • Takuma Fuji (Soziologie): Kosmopolitismus und Stigma
  • Tobias Gehring (Soziologie): Discourses on refugees and refugee policy in Uganda media
  • Mahir Gökbudak (Soziologie): Der Auswahlprozess des Betriebes und die Wahrnehmung des Praktikums durch Schüler*innen im Schulbetriebspraktikum an der Gesamtschule
  • Sandra Holtgreve (Soziologie): Coloniality in the global South and North. An analysis of Social Work Education in Germany, Mexico and Ecuador
  • Dominik Hofmann (Soziologie): Soziologie der Erwartung< /li>
  • Marc Jacobsen (Soziologie): Antisemitismus in der Weltgesellschaft. Veränderungen der Judenfeindschaft im Kontext von Globalisierung
  • Madeleine Myatt (Soziologie): Cybersecurity a shared responsibility? The role, implementation and strategic promotion of cooperative partnerships with the cybersecurity industry. An analytical perspective on the opportunities and consequences
  • Karsten Pieper (Soziologie): Publikumsbeobachtung der Massenmedien im Wandel. Von der Quotenmessung zur Echtzeit-Verdatung im Internet
  • Daniela Russ (Soziologie): Energy as a Mode of Observation in World Politics
  • Yasin Sunca (Soziologie): Building Political Space at the Intersection of Global Structures and Social Change: The International Relations of the Kurdish Movement in Upper Mesopotamia
  • Alisait Yilkin (Soziologie): To Vote or not to Vote: The Participation and Non-Participation in Turkish Elections of Young Generations of Turkish Citizens Living in Germany
  • Abrham Yohannes (Soziologie): National Identities versus Cultural Identities: Beta Israel Community
  • Andreas Becker (Geschichte): Schweden und die Welt: Vergleichspraktiken im interkulturellen Rechtskontakt während der Großmachtzeit (1611-1721)
  • Pablo Campos (Geschichte): Indigenismo, Entwicklung und Moderne. Eine vergleichstheoretische Perspektive, 1920 bis 1955
  • Anna Dönecke (Geschichte): Ordnung in der Vielfalt. Vergleichspraktiken in der interkulturellen Rechtsprechung in Pondichéry, 17.-18. Jahrhundert
  • Lena Gumpert (Geschichte): Das sich vergleichende Selbst im 11. und 12. Jahrhundert
  • Stefanie Haupt (Geschichte): Völkische Ortungen und Germanische Himmelskunde. Debatten um eine vor- und frühgeschichtliche Astronomie im Deutschland der Zwischenkriegszeit
  • Susan Krause (Geschichte): Blinde Zugänge zur Vergangenheit!? - Empirische Untersuchung zur historischen Imagination von Schüler/innen mit Förderschwerpunkt Sehen als Beitrag zur Inklusion im Geschichtsunterricht
  • Kerrin Langer (Geschichte): Comparing Forces and the Forces of Comparison. Streitkräftevergleiche vom Siebenjährigen Krieg bis zu den Pariser Konferenzen 1919/20
  • Marie Lemser (Geschichte): Vergleichspraktiken im ethnographischen Denken der Griechen nach dem Alexanderzug (Ende des 4. Jh. v. Chr. bis Mitte des 2. Jh. v. Chr.)
  • Johannes Nagel (Geschichte): The American military at the margins of world society, ca. 1865-1900
  • Stefan Roepke (Geschichte): Praktiken des Dienens in den Aufzeichnungen Hans von Schweinichens
  • Robet Schmieder (Geschichte): Die sozialen Netzwerke der jüdischen Arbeiterbewegung Englands und ihre transnationalen Verbindungen nach Osteuropa und in die USA. Innere Dynamik und gesellschaftliche Bedingtheit einer sozialen Bewegung
  • Christopher Schulte-Schüren (Geschichte): 'A strike is nothing but war.' Vergleichspraktiken in der Berichterstattung über Arbeitskämpfe in den USA 1890-1914
  • Daniele Toro (Geschichte): Radikalnationalistische Netzwerke im zentraleuropäischen Raum 1917-1934: Verflechtungsprozesse des Faschismus als transnationale soziale Bewegung
  • Gladys Zevallos (Geschichte): The Creation of American Regional Integration and the Origination of the Inter-American System after Independence. The Congress of Panama (1826) and the American Congress of Lima (1847)

For further information about the research projects of the new colleagues and an overview about all doctoral researchers at the BGHS and their projects, please see: http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/(en)/bghs/Personen/Promovierende/

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Welcome Day - Winter Term 2017/18

Veröffentlicht am 5. October 2017

The BGHS Welcome Day in Winter Term 2017/18 takes place on Wednesday, 11 October. For this term there will be more than 30 new doctoral researchers, including the young scientists from the SFB 1288 and GK World Politics. Furthermore, six short cuts and two guest doctoral researcher from the Johns Hopkins University and the Notre Dame University will join the BGHS.

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« October 2017 »