Master of Arts / Science courses offered

Course start:
NC 1:

Courses without teaching option
Master of Arts
Courses without teaching option
Master of Science
Applied Psychology: Diagnostics, Counselling and Training
Behaviour: From Neural Mechanisms to Evolution
Bioinformatics and Genome Research
British and American Studies
Business Administration and Economics
Clinical Linguistics
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Data Science
Ecology and Environmental Change
Educational Science
Gender Studies "Interdisciplinary Research and Applications"
Genome Based Systems Biology
German as a Foreign Language and German Studies
Informatics for the Natural Sciences
Intelligence and Motion
Intelligent Interactive Systems
InterAmerican Studies / Estudios InterAmericanos
Interdisciplinary Biomedicine
Interdisciplinary Media Studies
Interdisciplinary Studies of Science
Literary Studies
Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Economics
Mediating Culture
Molecular Biotechnology
Molecular Cell Biology
Political Science
Psychology - Experimental Psychology and Neuroscience
Public Health
Quantitative Economics
Sports Science "Organisation Development and Management"
Statistical Science
World Studies: Orders, Politics, Cultures


Courses without teaching option
Courses without teaching option
Courses offered excluding teaching option and with NC
Courses offered excluding teaching option and with NC 1
The places for courses marked with 'NC' (Numerus clausus) are subject to restrictions on admission.

Die Angaben zu Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus clausus beziehen sich auf die Bewerbung zum Wintersemester 2024/25 und Sommersemester 2025. Informationen zu NC Werten aus früheren Jahren finden Sie auf dieser Seite.

All versions of subject-specific regulations Master of Arts / Science

An overview of current and older subject-specific regulations Master of Arts / Science can be found on this page:

All versions of subject-specific regulations Master of Arts / Science