
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung vom 15.02.2021 mit Änderungen vom 15.12.2021, 14.07.2023 und 10.09.2024


12 semesters
Winter semester
Apply now!

Since the winter semester 2021/22, the model degree programme Medicine has been offered at Bielefeld University. It provides students a profound preparation for the complex demands of medical work, enables interest-based profiling and focuses on advanced topics such as interdisciplinary and interprofessional working, digital medicine and ambulatory care.

The competence-oriented model degree programme in Medicine is divided into a first studies phase comprising six semesters and a second studies phase having four semesters. Clinical components are integrated intensely into the course of studies right from the start. The practical year (in German: PJ = praktisches Jahr) follows as third phase of studies at the end of the degree programme. The course of studies is conventionally completed with the state examination in accordance with the approbation regularity for doctors (in German: ÄApprO = Approbationsordnung für Ärzte).

The first phase of studies includes an introductory module lasting several weeks, eleven organ- and topic-centered blocks, block internships in family medicine and the three longitudinal strands of Clinical Thinking and Clinical Practice, Scientific Thinking and Acting and Interdisciplinary Profiling. Students complete the first phase of the medical exam in a decentralized manner – namely at the university – in two stages at the end of the fourth semester and at the end of the sixth semester.

Between the first and second semester, students have the opportunity to complete an additional semester and thus to obtain the degree Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences (B.Sc.) in the chosen Interdisciplinary Profile.

The second part of the phase deepens the eleven thematic- and organ-centered sections and includes further practical phases in different areas of ambulatory and in-patient care, a clinical profile as well as the continuation of the longitudinal strands of Clinical Thinking and Clinical Practice plus Scientific Thinking and Acting. The students complete the second phase of the medical examination at the end of the tenth semester. This is followed by the practical year which ends with the third phase of the medical exam.

The courses

You will find the programme of lectures for this course in the eKVV.

An overview of the introductory and information events is provided by the central student counselling services.

Formalities / Important information

Course start

Studies can be commenced only in winter semester.

Length and scope of studies

The standard period of studies is 12,5 semesters.

The studies Medicine comprise 370 credit points.

Access requirements

Access to the state exam programme is granted to those who have a suitable higher education entrance qualification (e.g. German ‘Abitur’).

Application, admission and enrolment  1

All study places in medicine at universities in Germany are allocated by the Foundation for University Admission (Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung). There you will also find further information on the admission procedure.

!! Prospective students and applicants are strongly advised to visit this page regularly in order to be informed about the current application deadlines. !!

The following regulations apply to the study places to be awarded by Bielefeld University in the Central Aptitude Quota and in the university selection procedure in the course of studies in medicine:

1. Additional aptitude quota (ZEQ)
The selection decisions are made according to the degree of aptitude of the applicants for the medical degree program. The results of the subject-specific Study Aptitude test Test for Medical Degree Programmes (TMS) are used.

2. Selection procedure of the university (AdH)
Three sub-quotas are formed in the university’s selection process. In each sub-quota, a total number of points is calculated for each applicant calculated from the sum of the points achieved in the selection criteria; a maximum of 100 points is to be achieved in total.

The following quotas are formed:

AdH1 (20 % of the study places available in this quota)
a. Result of the university entrance qualification for the chosen study program (average grade, weighting 90%)
b. Performance of a service according to Annex 7 paragraph 1 of the place of studyVVO (in German: StudienplatzVVO NRW), (weighting 10%)
AdH2 (30 % of the study places available in this quota)
a. Result of the university entrance qualification for the chosen study program (average grade, weighting 80%)
b. Professional activity in a recognized training occupation of at least 12 months duration which provides information on the subject-specific suitability (weighting 20%), Appendix 6 subsection – Vocational training and professional activities medicine of the place of studyVVO NRW (in German: StudienplatzVVO NRW) is applied to professions listed. Multiple occupation does not increase the weighting.
AdH3 (50 % of the study places available in this quota)

a. Result of the university entrance qualification for the chosen study program (average grade, weighting 50 %)
b. Result of a subject-specific aptitude test (weighting 50%), only the grade-independent score of the subject-specific aptitude test Test for Medical Degree Programmes (TMS) on the basis of § 5 and Appendix 5 paragraph 3 a) of the study placeVVO (in German: StudienplatzVVO NRW) in the applicable version is considered.

In addition, study places are awarded via the german university entrance qualification (Abitur) best quota.

If you receive an offer of admission from the Foundation for University Admission (in German: Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung) (hochschulstart) and accept this offer of admission, you have the opportunity to enroll within the set deadline. To register, please use the Online-Registration form

The Bielefeld medical degree program is a model course of studies. Participation is subject to § 3 para. 4 SPO voluntary. By enrolling, the prospective student declares his or her voluntary decision to participate in the model course of studies and his or her knowledge of its special features in comparison to the standard course of studies in Medicine. The change to another model or standard course of studies in Medicine is usually associated with an extension of the study period.

Further links

Internet pages of the subject Medicine

Internet pages of the responsible institution(s):

Medical School OWL with the courses offered



Die Angaben zu Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus clausus beziehen sich auf die Bewerbung zum Wintersemester 2024/25 und Sommersemester 2025. Informationen zu NC Werten aus früheren Jahren finden Sie auf dieser Seite.