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Prof. Dr. Ulrike Davy

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3. Institute for World Society Studies

Mitglied des Vorstands

5. Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History / World Studies: Orders, Politics, Cultures

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Davy (Law) specializes, among others, in International Social Security Law, Human Rights Law, Anti-Discrimation Law, Migration Law and Comparative Law. Since 2008, she is co-director of Bielefeld University’s Institute of World Societal Studies.

Curriculum Vitae


  • Principal Investigator in the Collaborative Research Center 1288 Practices of Comparing, 2017-2020 (Teilprojekt B06: Eliminierung rassischer Diskriminierung: Die rechtliche Antwort der Staatengemeinschaft auf ausgrenzende Vergleichspraktiken), 2021–2024 (Teilprojekt E03: Jenseits rassischer Diskriminierung: "Backwardness" und "Indigenous Peoples")
  • Principal Investigator in the Resarch Training Group World Politics, 2017-2021
  • Member of the University Council of Bielefeld University, 2008-2023
  • Co-Director of the Institute of World Society Studies, since 2008
  • Managing Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research, ZiF, 2010-2015
  • Vice-President of Bielefeld University for Organizational Development, 2006-2007

Current Position
Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, German and International Social Law, and Comparative Law, since 1998

Prior Positions

1996-1998 Jean-Monnet Professorship of European Labour Law, Labour Relations and Social Policy, Bielefeld
1996-1996 Habilitation: Austrian and Comparative Constitutional and Administrative Law

Current research topics

Internationale Menschenrechte; Gleichheit; Schutz vor Diskriminierung; Bekämpfung von Rassismus; Migration; Flüchtlingsrecht; Europäische und deutsche Sozialpolitik; Sozialpolitik im globalen Süden

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