Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Herr Prof. Volker Böhm, Ph.D.

Bild der Person Herr Prof. Volker Böhm, Ph.D. - Öffnet das Bild in voller Größe auf einer neuen Seite


Curriculum Vitae

Academic Career

since 2010em. Professor of Economics, Bielefeld University
1994–2009Professor of Economics, Bielefeld University
1977–1994Professor of Economics, University of Mannheim
1977Habilitation University of Konstanz
1973–1977Assistant Professor at CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, Université Libre de Bruxelles
1971–1973Research Assistant, University of Bonn
1972Ph.D. in Economics, Advisor: G. Debreu,
1968–1971University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
1967Diploma in Economics at the Free University of Berlin

Doctoranden und Habilitanden

Selected Publications
“Endogenous cycles from income diversity, capital ownership, and differential savings”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 130, pp. 167–187, 2020.
(with A. Agliari and N. Pecora)

Macroeconomic Theory, 2017, Springer Texts in Business and Economics, 1st ed., Cham: Springer International Publishing.;

“Natural resources and patterns of overtaking”, International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 10, Nº 02; pp. 167–177, 2014. (with T. Kikuchi and G. Vachadze)

“A Homoclinic Route to Volatility: Dynamics of Asset Prices Under Autoregressive Forecasting”, in: Global Analysis of Dynamic Models in Economics and Finance, G. I. Bischi, C. Chiarella, and I. Sushko (eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg; pp. 289–316, 2013. (with C. Chiarella, X.-Z. He, and Th. Hüls)

“Endogenous Inequality of Nations through Financial Asset Market Integration”, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol. 14, Nº 03; pp. 285–310, 2010. (with G. Vachadze)

“Capital Accumulation with Tangible Assets”, The Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 68, pp. 248–257, 2008. (with G. Vachadze)

“Mean Variance Preferences, Expectations Formation and the Dynamics of Random Asset Prices”, Mathematical Finance, Vol. 15, Nº 1, pp. 61–97, January 2005. (with C. Chiarella)

“Differential Savings, Factor Shares and Endogenous Growth Cycles”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 24, pp. 965–980, 2000. (with L. Kaas)

Further Publications

Aktuelle Forschungsthemen