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Olivia Jane Whelan

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1. Faculty of Sociology / People / Acadamic Staff in Research Projects

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Projekt "Fördernetzwerk Interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung - Nachwuchsgruppe 2024 soziale Sicherung im Krisenmodus - SoSiKri" (Projektleitung: Dr. John Berten)

+49 521 106-67490  
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-3994 Secretary's Details
Gebäude X C4-217 Locations Map
Nr. 368 im Gebäude X - Magistrale - Ebene C2

2. Faculty of Sociology / Research and Teaching Units / Unit 4 - Politics and Society

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Projekt "Fördernetzwerk Interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung - Nachwuchsgruppe 2024 soziale Sicherung im Krisenmodus - SoSiKri" (Projektleitung: Dr. John Berten)

3. Faculty of Sociology / Research and Teaching Units / Unit 4 - Politics and Society / Working Group Kaasch

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Projekt "Fördernetzwerk Interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung - Nachwuchsgruppe 2024 soziale Sicherung im Krisenmodus - SoSiKri" (Projektleitung: Dr. John Berten)

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Degrees

  • M.A. Sociology, Bielefeld University, 2023. Title of master's thesis: 'The Process of Legislative "Decaffeination": An analysis of the discursive construction of - and approach taken to - the nexus between climate change and migration presented within a case-study INI report and its progression within the European Parliament'
  • B.Soc.Sc. Sociology and Social Policy (two-subject Bachelor), Maynooth University, Ireland, 2020

Professional Experience

  • Since 06/2024: Research assistant and PhD candidate in the project "Social Security in Crisis Mode - SosiKri", Funding Network for Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research (FiS) - Junior Research Group 2024 (project management: Dr John Berten), Working Group 4 - Politics and Society / AG Prof. Dr Alexandra Kaasch, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University
  • 07/2022-09/2023: Managing Editor of the academic journal Global Social Policy, SAGE Publications Inc., Working Group 4 - Politics and Society / AG Prof. Dr Alexandra Kaasch, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University
  • 01-07/2022: Research Assistant / Webmaster, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University
  • 06/2021-01/2022: Research Assistant, Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 1228 "Practices of Comparison" and the Bielefeld University Press, Bielefeld University
  • 04-10/2021: Researcher in the development of a concept for the integration of recovering substance users in the Edmonton community, Ladyflower Gardens, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • 01/2021-07/2022: Research Assistant, Coordination Office of the Research Training Group 2225 "World Politics", Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University

Awards and Scholarships

  • Master's degree graduation as student with the best result of the year, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University, 2023
  • Social scholarship, OWL Study Fund Foundation