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Dr. Mona Stets

Photo of the person Frau Dr. Mona Stets - Opens the image in full size on a new page


1. Faculty of Educational Science / AG 3 - Schultheorie mit dem Schwerpunkt Grund- und Förderschulen / Academic Staff

Akademische Rätin
Leitung der Lernwerkstatt

+49 521 106-4370  
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Passwort: 892385

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Curriculum Vitae

since 2023: Head of the Learning Workshop of the Faculty of Educational Science at Bielefeld University

2022: Doctorate/Phd studies at the Faculty of Educational Science at Bielefeld University: "Questions about questions - pupils' questions in primary school lessons from the perspectives and positions of fourth-grade children"
First reviewer Prof.'in Dr Susanne Miller, Bielefeld University & second reviewer Prof.'in Dr Petra Büker, Paderborn University
Awarded the Dissertation Prize 2023 of the University Society

2017-2022: Research assistant in WG 3 of the Faculty of Educational Science at Bielefeld University


  • (1) M.Ed. Primary School Teaching Qualification with Integrated Special Needs Education (subjects: Elementary Mathematics and German Literacy, Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") &
  • (2) M.Ed. teacher training programme for special educational needs in the special education subjects "Emotional and social development" (ESE) and "Learning" (L)

Current research topics

Questions in Integrated Studies for Primary Education (FragS) - A video-based observation study on pupils' questions in the context of teaching quality [01.09.2023-31.08.2025]

''DFG-funded project under the direction of Prof. Dr Susanne Miller (Bielefeld University) in cooperation with Prof. Dr Thilo Kleickmann (Kiel University)

Questions about questions - Pupils' questions in primary school lessons from the perspectives and positions of fourth-grade children [2017- 2022]

Working title, completed doctoral project, awarded the Dissertation Prize 2023 of the University Society

InDigO Learning, developing and disseminating inclusion and digitalisation in OER format [01.07.22-30.12.2023]
Joint project under the consortium leadership of Paderborn University in cooperation with the universities of Bielefeld, Duisburg-Essen, Siegen, Wuppertal, Cologne and Münster, sub-project management at the Bielefeld location: Prof. Dr Susanne Miller and Prof. Dr Anna-Maria Kamin

Questions in research-based learning (FragForsch) [2021-2022]

together with Prof. Dr Susanne Miller, Dr Katrin Velten, Dr René Schroeder, Dr Anne Reh, Dr Susanne Hanhart, Joana Ernst and Rebecca Hummel Development of an online teaching/learning environment for use in heterogeneity-oriented teacher training programmes [01.07.2020-31.06.2022]

Joint project under the consortium leadership of Paderborn University in cooperation with the universities of Bielefeld, Duisburg-Essen and Siegen, sub-project management at the Bielefeld location: Prof. Dr Susanne Miller and Prof. Dr Anna-Maria Kamin

Pupils' questions in inclusion-oriented Integrated Studies for Primary Education (FriSa) [2019-2021]

together with Prof. Dr Susanne Miller, Dr Katrin Velten, Dr René Schroeder, Joana Ernst and Rebecca Hummel

Memberships and Functions

since 2022: Member of the German Research Foundation (DFG)-Network "Ethics in Participatory Research with Children", Velten & Hüpping
since 2021:' Bi*digital network member of Bielefeld University
since 2018:' Associate member of the Commission for Primary School Research and Primary Education of the DGfE
since 2018:' Member of the Center for Research on Childhood and Adolescence (ZKJF) at Bielefeld University
since 2017: Member of the Bielefeld School of Education (BiSEd) at Bielefeld University