Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Herr M.Sc. Johannes Wienke

Bild der Person Herr M.Sc. Johannes Wienke - Öffnet das Bild in voller Größe auf einer neuen Seite


Aktuelle Forschungsthemen

I am interested in developing software engineering and machine learning methods and the required tools that support the construction and analysis of intelligent systems. For my research, I am focusing on component-based systems, where multiple independent components are combined to form a system. These components communicate via a middleware, which gives unique opportunities for tools that support and analyze the systems.

Since 2010 I am a core developer of the RSB middleware and the associated tools. Since then, the middleware has been used extensively in different research projects and is under constant improvement.

I have been a member of the European research project HUMAVIPS, where I focused on software integration including the control of the humanoid robot NAO.

Currently, I am researching how information about the consumption of computational resources like CPU, memory or network bandwidth of components inside component-based systems can be exploited to improve the reliability of these systems. This research includes the acquisition of the resource consumptions, appropriate visualizations, testing for resource consumptions and autonomous fault detection.

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