Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Frau Amelie Nickel

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Curriculum Vitae

Job Positions

  • 07/2015 - 08/2021 Research Assistent & Academic Tutor at the Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL)
  • 06/2019-10/2021 Freelancer at the Hamburg Institute for Applied Data Analysis (IfaD)


  • since 2021 Doctoral Researcher at the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology
  • 2015-2019 Master of Arts in Sociology at the University of Hamburg (Thesis: A Multi-Level Analysis of the Relation Between Anti-Immigrant Attitudes and Economic Values from the Perspective of Institutional Anomie Theory)
  • 2011-2015 Bachelor of Arts in Sociology at the Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg (Thesis: Ethnic Inequalities in the Transition from Education to Work)


  • 2019 Janpeter Kob Award for best thesis in Sociology at the University of Hamburg from the Alumni Association of Hamburg Sociologists
  • 2020 Award for outstanding theses at the University of Hamburg from the Dr. Walter Kapaun Foundation

Aktuelle Forschungsthemen

Research project

  • Leibniz ScienceCampus SOEPRegioHub "Regional Development Dynamics and their Political Consequences"

Latest Publication

  • Nickel, A., & Weber, W. (2024). Measurement Invariance and Quality of Attitudes Towards Immigration in the European Social Survey. methods, data, analyses, 18(2), 213-248. doi:
  • Groß, E.M., Hövermann, A., & Nickel, A. (2023). Entsicherte Marktförmigkeit als Treiber eines libertären Autoritarismus. In: A. Zick, B. Küpper, N. Mokros (Hg.). Distanzierte Mitte. Rechtsextreme und demokratiegefährdende Einstellungen in Deutschland 2022/23. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. S. 243-256.
  • Nickel, A., & Groß, E. M. (2023). Assessing Regional Variation in Support for the Radical Right-Wing Party ‘Alternative for Germany’ (AfD)—A Novel Application of Institutional Anomie Theory across German Districts. Social Sciences, 12(7), 412.
  • Nickel, A. (2022). Institutional Anomie, Market-Based Values and Anti-Immigrant Attitudes: A Multilevel Analysis in 28 European Countries. International Journal of Conflict and Violence , 16.

Research Interests

  • Anomie, Institutional Anomie Theory
  • Prejudice, discrimination, and inequality studies
  • Political polarization and right-wing extremism
  • Quantitative methods of empirical social research