Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Frau Yaatsil Guevara González

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2. Fakultät für Soziologie / Personen / Promovierende


Tuesday 14-15 Hrs


Curriculum Vitae


-PhD candidate in Sociology
Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology

-Master’s Degree in Regional Studies
Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora (Mexico). September 2007 - July 2009
Thesis: Governance and Policy Networks: The Special Programme for Food Security in the Region of SierraNegra, Puebla
Special honors: Recommendation for Master’s Thesis publication

-Bachelor’s Degree in Historic Anthropology
Faculty of Anthropology, Universidad Veracruzana (México). September 2001 - July 2006
Thesis: Powered structures and Political Culture. Continuities and Transformations in Political and SocialOrganizations in San Juan Guichicovi, Oaxaca, 1980-2005

-Bachelor’s Degree in Childcare Education
Escuela Normal para Educadores de la Ciudad de México. September 1997 - July 2000


Research Fellow at the Faculty for Sociology (Social Anthropology)

Research Fellow at the Center for InterAmerican Studies (CIAS), Bielefeld University

Special Projects Coordinator. Development and preparation of special projects to generate financial inclusion policies in rural indigenous marginalized areas of the country.
Rural Financial Development Bank-Mexican Finance Ministry

Deputy Director in Regional Development. Planning and management of government programs. Regulation of operating rules of federal programs.
Ministry of Social Development-SEDESOL (Federal Government)

-Bielefeld Young Researcher’s Fund Grant. (Bielefeld University). 2018
-PhD Scholarship granted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) -Mexico. 2013
-Master’s Fellowship incorporated into the Standard of Excellence by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT). 2007-2009
-Scholarship granted by the Center for Research and Graduate Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS) and CONACYT. 2005-2006
-Academic Scholarship to study at Universität Paderborn, Germany. (Granted by the School for Foreign Students and the UniversidadVeracruzana) 2004-2005


Guevara González, Yaatsil; Sirani González; Wilfried Raussert (Eds.) (2018). Mesas de diálogo de la música popular del Sotavento Veracruzano, Editorial El Recipiente, Ciudad de México. ISBN: 978-970-94303-9-3.

Guevara González, Yaatsil; Mahshid Mayar (Eds.) (2017). Done with Eurocentrism? Directions, Diversions, and Debates in History and Sociology. InterDisciplines. Journal of History and Sociology. Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology. University of Bielefeld. Vol. 9, No.1.

Guevara González, Yaatsil et. al. (2009). Estrategia de pago de servicios ambientales por desempeño hidrológico en Quintana Roo, Serie Acciones, Número 1, SEMARNAT- CONABIO-CBM (MEXICO)-GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY, México.

Journal Articles (Peer-reviewed):
Guevara González, Yaatsil (2018). “Navigating with Coyotes: Pathways of Central American Migrants in Mexico’s Southern Borders”. In: Sánchez, Gabriella; Luigi Achilli and Sheldon Zhang (Eds.). Special Issue: Migrant Smuggling as a Collective Strategy and Insurance Policy: Views from the Margins. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Philadelphia, US.

Guevara González, Yaatsil und Mahshid Mayar (2017). “Done with Eurocentrism? Unpacking A Plural Construct”, In: Yaatsil Guevara and Mahshid Mayar. Done with Eurocentrism? Directions, Diversions, and Debates in History and Sociology. InterDisciplines. Vol. 8, No.2. Bielefeld, Germany.

Guevara González, Yaatsil (2015). “Migración de tránsito y ayuda humanitaria: Apuntes sobre las casas de migrantes en la ruta migratoria del pacífico sur en México”, In: Forum for Inter American Research, FIAR, Trancultural Mobility, Vol. 8 No. 1 (June 2015) 63-83, The Journal of the international association of Inter-American Studies (IAS), ISSN: 1867-1519.

Guevara González, Yaatsil (2010). “Ucizoni y las organizaciones sociales en la zona mixe baja: Cultura política en San Juan Guichicovi, Oaxaca”, In: Escárcega Zamarrón, Sylvia. Indigeneity: Local and Global Crossroads. Revista Diálogo Vol. 13, No. 1, Verano 2010, Centro de Investigación Latina, Universidad DePaul, Chicago, Illinois.

Books Chapters:
Guevara González, Yaatsil (Forthcoming 2018). “Inmovilidades en tránsito: Vida cotidiana de migrantes indocumentados y refugiados en Tenosique, Tabasco”. In: Arriola Vega, Luis A; Enrique Coraza (Eds.) Vientos y ráfagas del Sur. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. México.

Guevara González, Yaatsil (Forthcoming 2018). “Transiterzählungen zentralamerikanischer MigrantInnen im Südosten Mexikos“. In: Giebeler, Cornelia (Ed.): Der “amerikanische Traum” – Fallanalysen zu Migrationsprozessen zwischen Zentralamerika, Mexiko und den USA. Barbara Budrich Verlag, Münster, Germany.

Guevara González, Yaatsil (2017). Y ahora por dónde? Tránsitos suspendidos de migrantes centroamericanos en México. In: Tuider, Elisabeth, Miriam Trzeciak, Hanns Wienold (Ed.), Tránsito México- Espacios migratorios, regímenes de frontera y luchas sociales. Kassel, Germany.

Guevara González, Yaatsil (2017). Negociando fronteras: “Tácticas de migrantes indocumentados en la frontera México-Guatemala”. In: Youkhana, Eva (Ed.) Border transgression. Mobility and Mobilization in Crisis. Interdisciplinary Studies on Latin America, Vol. 2. V&R Bonn University Press. Göttingen, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8471-0723-1.

Guevara González, Yaatsil (2015). “Migración de tránsito y ayuda humanitaria: Apuntes sobre las casas de migrantes en la ruta migratoria del pacífico sur en México”. In: Raussert, Wilfried, Yolanda Campos, Marius Littschwager, Brian Rozema (Eds.) Key Tropes in Inter-American Studies: Perspectives from the Forum of Inter-American Research, Trier: WVT/Tempe: Bilingual. ISBN: 978-1-939743-16-9.


Anthropological Approaches on Irregular Migration (WS 2018/2019)
Inter-American Migration (Central America, Mexico and the United States) (2015/2016)
Seminar und öffentliche Filmvorführung Cine Mexicano – Transmigration in Mexiko im Spielfilm (WiSe 2013-2014; SoSe 2015; SoSe 2015-2016-Fachhochschule Bielefeld)

Spanisch (Mother tongue)
English (Fluent)
German (Fluent)

• Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): Human rights perspectives on the smuggling of migrants. Presentation: “Re-signifying daily exchanges between migrants and their crossing border facilitators in the Mexico-Guatemala northern Borderlands” (30 May, 2018, Geneva, Switzerland)
• International CIAS Conference: Reflecting the Americas as a Space of Entanglement(s). Presentation: “Los sonidos que migran: La música popular del Sotavento Veracruzano como diáspora cultural” (27-29 October, 2016. Bielefeld, Germany)
• XXXIV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Presentation: “Transit Migration and Immobility: Migrants’ experiences and interactions in Mexico’s southern border” (27-30 May, 2016 New York, USA).
• VI Coloquio-taller de la Red Europea de Investigaciones sobre Centroamérica (REDISCA). Más allá del estrecho dudoso – intercambios y miradas sobre centroamérica. Presentation: “Recordando futuros, imaginando pasados: Centroamericanos en su paso por las casas para migrantes en el sur de México” (12–13 November, 2015. Barcelona, Spain)
• 12th International Society for Ethnology and Folklore Congress: Utopias, Realities, Heritages. Ethnographies for the 21st century Presentation: “Violence in transit: narratives of Central American "undocumented" migrants in Mexico's southern border” (21-25 June, 2015. Zagreb, Croatia).

• 2nd Smuggling Workshop: The Theory and Praxis of Irregular Migration Facilitation. Presentation: “Microcosms of power: Smuggling and brokerage practices in the Casas de Migrantes within the Central American-U.S. migratory corridor” (06-08 April, 2017. El Paso, Texas, US).
• 9thWorkshop des Netzwerks Rekonstruktive Soziale Arbeit: – zur Entwicklung von Forschung, Lehre und Praxis (17-19 September, 2015. Nürnberg, Germany). Presentation: “Transit itineraries: Migrants’ experiences and interactions in Mexico’s southern border“
• 1st Smuggling Workshop: Critical Approaches to Irregular Migration Facilitation: Dismantling the Human Smuggler Narrative. Presentation: “Smuggling as social negotiation: pathways of Central American Migrants in Mexico’s Southern Borders” (05-06 April, 2016. Florence, Italy).

• Workshop: Beyond External Borders: Multi-level analysis and comparative perspectives on migration governance ; with Susanne Schultz, Inka Stock, Aysen Üstübici. (16-17 March, 2017. Bielefeld, Germany)
• International CIAS Conference: Reflecting the Americas as a Space of Entanglement(s). (27-29 October, 2016. Bielefeld, Germany)
• 8th Annual Seminar of the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology. Done with Eurocentrism? Directions, Diversions, and Debates in History and Sociology. (June 20-July 2nd, 2016. Bielefeld, Germany)
• Workshop: Transit Migration: More than just a transitory stage between place of origin and destination. Visiting Professor: Carmen Fernández-Casanueva. Center for InterAmerican Studies (June, 26, 2014. Bielefeld, Germany)
• Advisory Committee: Workshop: The Theory and Praxis of Irregular Migration Facilitation. (06-08 April, 2017. El Paso, Texas, US).

• Chapinal García, Itxaso (2016). La comunidad enferma: la escuela desde la experiencia wirárika. Master in InterAmerican Studies, Universität Bielefeld – Second Supervisor
• Melisande Dybowski, Lina Violetta (2017). El significado de la asistencia humanitaria para personas migrantes en tránsito. El ejemplo de La 72 en Tenosique, Tabasco, México. Master in InterAmerican Studies, Universität Bielefeld – Second Supervisor

Aktuelle Forschungsthemen

Central America and Mexico
Transit Migration and Forced Migration Studies
Refugee studies
Anthropology for Everyday life

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