Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Frau Dr. Charlotte Doussot

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Curriculum Vitae

07/2020 Doctorate degree, Dr. rer. nat.
"Leaving and returning home: Visually-guided homing in Bombus terrestris"
University of Bielefeld
Magna cum laude 1.0

02/2015-07/2020 PhD at University of Bielefeld

01/2014-06/2014 Master thesis
"Distance discrimination in a Spider : Cupiennius salei"
Prof. Dr. Axel Schmid, University of Vienna, AUSTRIA

09/2012-07/2014 Master in Biology
University of Tours, FRANCE
Studies of Behavioural Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity

04/2013-06/2013 Bachelor thesis
"Spatial learning (operant-conditioning) on an haematophagous bug, Rhodnius prolixus "
Prof. Dr. Claudio Lazzari, IRBI (institut de recherche sur la biologie de l'insecte), FRANCE

09/2009-06/2012 Bachelor in Biology
University of Rouen, FRANCE
Studies of Ecology and Biology of Organisms

07/2009 Baccalauréat Scientifique
Lycée Aristide Briand, Evreux, FRANCE

Aktuelle Forschungsthemen

Social insects such as bumblebees are exquisite navigators. Bees daily commute between their hive and a foraging source. More impressively, bees can return to their inconspicuous nest entrance, hardly visible even from a close distance. How bumblebees manage such a feat?

They use a combination of diverse cues, be it visual, olfactive … and different navigational strategies available in their toolkit.

The visual information available to a bee when leaving its nest for the first time is complex and fluctuating. At that moment, bees engage in complex flight manoeuvres, which are thought to be the results of an active behaviour enabling the learning of the nest visual surrounding. Bees could remember views collected around their nest entrance that are encapsulating different proprieties of the visual surrounding such as brightness, contrast or even distance to the surrounding objects. But, the way bees collect these views will have an impact on how they can use them when returning. The stored information is compared with the current information, which will guide the insect to its home location. Different strategies and parameters might be involved in this homing trip, such as time, the modality of comparison, the reliability of the information ...

My research focuses on how bees learn the visual or other information at their nest location and how they later retrieve and use it. To answer this question, I am interested in combining behavioural and modelling investigations, targeting both the learning flight procedure and the return trip (or local homing) to their nest entrance.

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