Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Frau Maria Gabriela Trompetero Vicent

Bild der Person Frau Maria Gabriela Trompetero Vicent - Öffnet das Bild in voller Größe auf einer neuen Seite


Curriculum Vitae

Doctoral Candidate in Sociology and Lecturer
Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology
M.A. InterAmerican Studies
Bielefeld University

Research topics: Forced migration, migration governance, social transformation and migration, categorization processes of people on the move, forced migration in Latin America, refugee regimes, localization, migration and refugee policies.

Work Experience

• April 2023-Present
Lecturer at the Chair of Transnationalism, Migration and Development, Faculty of Sociology - University of Bielefeld, Germany

• August 2024-Present
Research project coordinator: “Linkage to the National Pension System of the Migrant and Refugee Population in Peru in the Pension Normalization Office” - Equilibrium SDC & the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).

• February 2023-May 2023
FFVT (Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer) Visiting Fellow - German Institute for Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Bonn, Germany.

• November 2022-July 2023
Research Project Coordinator: “Mapping of Refugee and Forced Migrant-led Organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean” - Equilibrium SDC & United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

• May 2020-October 2020
Research Assistant- Migration Policy Institute (MPI), Washington, D.C.

• October 2017- March 2019
Research Assistant, Faculty of Sociology- University of Bielefeld, Germany.

Selected publications

• Gissi, N., Ospina, M. del P., Trompetero, M., Flórez, A. and Bravo, A. (2024). “Gobernanza multilateral en las Américas a partir de la migración forzada venezolana: rupturas y continuidades” [ Multilateral governance in the Americas based on Venezuelan forced migration: ruptures and continuities]. Revista Brasileña de Ciencias Sociales (RBCS), Asociación Nacional de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación en Ciencias Sociales (ANPOCS), Sao Paulo, Brasil.

• Trompetero, María and Forero, Nelson. (2022). “Con incertidumbre hacia la selva del Darién: El rol de los medios digitales en la migración forzosa venezolana” [ With Uncertainty towards the Darién Jungle: The Role of Digital Media in Venezuelan Forced Migration]. Akademos, Universidad Central de Venezuela.

• Trompetero, María. (2022). “Situando al Estatuto Temporal de Protección para Migrantes de Venezuela en Colombia desde una perspectiva global” [Situating the Temporary Protection Status for Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia from a Global Perspective]. Aldea Mundo, revista sobre fronteras e integración, 54 (27), 72-86.

• Trompetero, María. (2022). “The Colombian Temporary Protection Status for Migrants from Venezuela: Novelty and room for improvement.” Routed Magazine.

• Trompetero, María. (2022). “Barreras para la identidad,” [Barriers to Identity Documents] SIC, 84 (838), 92-94.

• Trompetero, María. (2021). “Transitions in the Colombian Migration Regime amidst the Venezuelan Migration Crisis.” In Social and Political Transitions During the Left Turn in Latin America, edited by Karen Silva-Torres, Carolina Rozo-Higuera, Daniel S. Leon. England and Wales: Routledge.

• Aksakal, Mustafa and Trompetero, María. (2021). “¿De lo global a lo local? El rol del Pacto Mundial en las políticas colombianas hacia la migración venezolana”. [From the global to the local? The role of Global Compact in Colombian Policies towards Venezuelan Migration] In (Re)pensando el vínculo entre migración y crisis. Perspectivas desde América Latina y Europa, edited by Nejemkis, Lucila; Conti, Luisa; Aksakal, Mustafa. (Calas and CLACSO)

• Trompetero, María. (2021). “From Home to Immigrants to an Unprecedented Exodus: The Link Between the Critical Shift of Venezuelan Migration Patterns and Social Transformation.” Memoirs: First and Second International Congress of InterAmerican Students).

• Trompetero, María. (2021). “Venezolanos refugiados en Alemania: algunos retos para su integración” [Venezuelan Refugees in Germany: Some Challenges for their Integration], Multijurídica, 1 (12), 40-42.

• Trompetero, María, in cooperation with the Migrants’ led organization in Germany „Einheit für Venezuela“ (2020). „Bericht über Flüchtlings- und Asylsituation der Venezolaner in Deutschland.“

• Trompetero, María. (2019). “Tensions, Challenges and (Trans)-Formations of a Migration Regime: An Analysis of the New Venezuelan Migration Phenomenon in Colombia.” (COMCAD Working Papers Series).


• Affiliated researcher at the "IDRC (International Development Research Centre of Canada) Chair on Migrations and Forced Displacements" at Universidad del Pacífico., Perú.

• Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

• Bitácora Migratoria. (Universidad del Rosario, Observatory of Venezuela, Bogota, Colombia).

• Center on Migration, Citizenship, and Development (COMCAD), University of Bielefeld, Germany.

Knowledge transfer

• Columnist. La Silla Llena (Colombia).

• Contributions to The Inquiry (BBC), Deutsche Welle, El Estimulo, Efecto Cocuyo, RCR, VPITv, among others.