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Center for Interdisciplinary Research


The Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) is Bielefeld University’s Institute for Advanced Study. It offers time, space and funding for interdisciplinary research in groups. ZiF is an independent, thematically unbound research institution and is open to scholars from all countries and disciplines.

ZiF Locations Map
Opening hours
Mo.-Fr. 8:30-12:30
+49 521 106-2796
Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung
der Universität Bielefeld
Methoden 1
33615 Bielefeld


Akemann, Gernot, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Board of Directors

Member of the Board of Directors of ZiF, Deputy Executive Director

Bach, Volker, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - Technische Universität Braunschweig - Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Fakultät

Balls-Thies, Thomas, Dipl.-Chem.

ZiF Team / Communication and IT

IT Support

Tasks / IT Administration

IT Support

Tasks / Data Protection and Information Security Coordinator (DISK)

Data Protection and Information Security Coordinator (DISK)

Personal Email Addresses

Begrich, Jan

ZiF Team / Technical Services

Conference Technology

Blome, Stefanie

ZiF Team / Catering and Housekeeping

Catering and Housekeeping

Brinkmann, Daniela

ZiF Team / Administration

Head of Administration

Tasks / Head of Administration

Head of Administration

Tasks / Equal Opportunities Officer

Equal Opportunities Officer

ZiF Boards / Academic Board of Directors

Permanent Guest of the Board of Directors of ZiF

Brinkmann, Monika

ZiF Team / Catering and Housekeeping

Catering and Housekeeping

Daston, Lorraine, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin)

Dawid, Herbert, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - Bielefeld University - Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

Diekmann, Jan

ZiF Team / Technical Services

Conference Technology

Esposito, Elena, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - University of Bologna - Department of Political Science and Sociology

Fizell, Susanne

ZiF Team / Group and Conference Support

Group and Conference Support

Personal Email Addresses

Franzbäcker, Lisa

ZiF Team / Communication and IT

Science Communication

Fuchs, Christiane, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Board of Directors

Member of the Board of Directors of ZiF, Director

Göbel, Barbara, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - Freie Universität Berlin - Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology

Griem, Julika, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) Essen

Güth, Elvira

ZiF Team / Administration

Budget Matters, Travel Reimbursement

Personal Email Addresses

Tasks / First-aider

First aider

Hammer, Barbara, Prof'in Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - Bielefeld University - Faculty of Technology

Haverig, Anika, Dr.

ZiF Team / Management

Managing Director

ZiF Boards / Academic Board of Directors

Advisory Member of the Board of Directors of ZiF

Heißenberg, Gaby

ZiF Team / Management

Directorate's Secretary

Tasks / Safety Officer

Safety officer

Personal Email Addresses

Hellwig-Sellin, Andreas

ZiF Team / Technical Services

Driver, Maintenance

Tasks / First-aider


Helterhof, Taugheda

ZiF Team / Group and Conference Support

Group and Conference Support

Personal Email Addresses

Hilgendorf, Eric, Prof. Dr. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg - Faculty of Law

Horn, Janine

ZiF Team / Group and Conference Support

Group and Conference Support

Kaiser, Marie I., Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Board of Directors

Member of the Board of Directors of ZiF, Director

Kliegl, Reinhold, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Deputy Chairperson of the Advisory Board of ZiF - University of Potsdam - Faculty of Human Sciences

Kohls, Lennart

ZiF Team / Technical Services

Conference Technology

Kühn, Reimer, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - King’s College London - Department of Mathematics

Lemme, Sebastian, Dr.

ZiF Team / Scientific Coordinators

Coordinator of the Research Group "Internalizing Borders" (2023/24)

ZiF Boards / Academic Board of Directors

Member of the Board of Directors of ZiF, Representative of the Academic Staff

Lenzen, Manuela, Dr.

ZiF Team / Communication and IT

Science Communication

Maasen, Sabine, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - University of Hamburg - Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences

McMillan, Noël

ZiF Team / Technical Services

Driver, Maintenance

Mende, Sabine

ZiF Team / Group and Conference Support

Group and Conference Support

Personal Email Addresses

Menski, Ursula

ZiF Team / Catering and Housekeeping

Catering and Housekeeping

Möhring, Maren, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - Leipzig University - Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Moltmann, Rebecca

ZiF Team / Communication and IT

Science Communication

Noll-Opitz, Daniela, Dr.

ZiF Team / Management

Scientific Coordinator

ZiF Boards / Academic Board of Directors

Permanent Guest of the Board of Directors of ZiF

Otyuo, Ren

ZiF Team / Technical Services

Conference Technology

Peters, Katharina

ZiF Team / Administration

Lodging Management, Procurement

Personal Email Addresses

Possehl, Jonas

ZiF Team / Administration

Lodging Management, Procurement

Personal Email Addresses

Razum, Oliver, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - Bielefeld University - School of Public Health

Reinhold, Klaus, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - Bielefeld University - Faculty of Biology

Rohland, Eleonora, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Board of Directors

Member of the Board of Directors of ZiF, Director

Schumacher, Claudia

ZiF Team / Catering and Housekeeping

Head of Catering and Housekeeping

Personal Email Addresses

Schunck, Claudia

ZiF Team / Administration

Budget Matters, Travel Reimbursement

Personal Email Addresses

Shahinitiran, Jalal

ZiF Team / Communication and IT

Web and IT

Spohn, Wolfgang, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Chairperson of the Advisory Board of ZiF - University of Konstanz - Faculty of Humanities

Stoye, Jens, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Board of Directors

Member of the Board of Directors of ZiF, Executive Director

Sutmöller, Nadine, Dr.

ZiF Team / Management

Scientific Coordinator

ZiF Boards / Academic Board of Directors

Permanent Guest of the Board of Directors of ZiF

Törkott, Sonja

ZiF Team / Group and Conference Support

Group and Conference Support

van Husen, Jann

ZiF Team / Technical Services

Conference Technician

ZiF Team / Technical Services

House Technician

Personal Email Addresses

Winkelhage, Maren

ZiF Team / Group and Conference Support

Group and Conference Support

ZiF Boards / Academic Board of Directors

Member of the Board of Directors of ZiF, Representative of the Staff in Technology and Administration

Personal Email Addresses

Winzer, Susanne

ZiF Team / Catering and Housekeeping

Domestic and Catering Staff

Wodak, Ruth, Prof. Dr.

ZiF Boards / Academic Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Board of ZiF - University of Vienna - Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies